這句英文怎麼說 #153 鐵板燒特輯-要點火啦!小心


無情工商時間~ 「三面九項-精選學測九百單」 結帳前記得輸入podcast聽眾專屬優惠碼 voc200,就可以再折兩百塊唷! https://lihi2.com/3L34g 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: ^料理人員^ 我要點火了,請小心火焰。 I'm going to light a fire. Watch out for the flames. / Be careful of the flames. / Mind the flames.(英國、澳洲) 小心燙。 Careful, it's hot. ^客人^ 高麗菜/白飯/飲料可以續嗎? Can I have more XXXX. Can I have a refill of coke/ rice? 菜可以炒軟一點嗎? Can you cook the veggies a little more? 肉可以煎熟一點嗎? Can you cook the meat a littler more/longer? 我要加辣。 Please make it spicy. / I'd like mine spicy. 我要單點一個蔥蛋。 I'd like to order a green onion omelet. 補充學習 鐵板燒 teppanyaki/ hibachi(原本是燒烤) 海陸套餐 surf&turf 情境對話 Erskine:哇!這就是傳說中的米其林鐵板燒餐廳嗎~ Whoah! This is the legendary Michelin rated Teppanyaki restaurant. Duncan:歡迎光臨,今天想來點什麼呢? Welcome, Welcome. What would you like to order today? Erskine:我想要一個菲力牛排五分熟。 I'll have the filet mignon, cooked medium. Duncan:好的。我要點火了,請小心火焰,即將開始為您料理。 Alright. I'm going to light a fire. Please watch out for the flames. And I'll get started cooking your meal. 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #153 鐵板燒特輯-要點火啦!小心

這句英文怎麼說 #153 鐵板燒特輯-要點火啦!小心
