這句英文怎麼說 #148 下次不敢了


無情工商時間~ 賴老師的課程:文法百寶箱上架,lai200 https://lihi2.com/oKcha 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 下次不敢了 I won't do it/that again. 下次不會(做)了 I'm never doing that again. 補充學習 吃霸王餐 dine and dash -dash 跑走 -dine 用餐 The customer at table 3 just dined and dashed. 被抓到 got caught. 當場被抓到 catch someone red-handed / in the act 情境對話 Mike:Duncan,有人說你早上在度假村的自助餐吃霸王餐欸! Duncan, someone said you dined and dashed at the resort buffet this morning. Duncan:那不是免費的嗎?大家都在拿自助餐的食物。 I thought it was for free? Everybody was taking food from the buffet. Mike:天下沒有白吃的午餐!你這個白癡。 There's no such thing as a free lunch. You idiot. Duncan:好吧抱歉,下次不敢了。 I know. I know. I won’t do it again. 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #148 下次不敢了

這句英文怎麼說 #148 下次不敢了
