這句英文怎麼說 #142 欠人家肉搜


無情工商時間~ 隨著PLG總冠軍戰的開打,我們跟PLG合作的課程「OhMyBasketball!我的籃球英文」優惠也即將進入尾聲,最後一檔優惠五八折只到6/16,冠軍戰跟超值優惠都不能錯過!歡迎到資訊欄點擊連結試看課程,結帳前記得輸入Podcast聽眾專屬優惠碼 roundball150,就可以再折150塊。 https://lihi2.com/cst50 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 欠人家肉搜 Does he want me to dox him? Is he looking to get doxed? They are trying to get doxed. 欠 this person needs/deserves a beating. 肉搜-人肉搜索 (未經他人同意)在網上擅自發佈可識別身份的個人資料 肉搜(來自中國)/ 起底 (香港) dox (v.)/ expose someone's personal information 補充學習 個資-個人資料 personal info(rmation) 揭露、曝光 expose 情境對話 Mike:有人在我們節目留一顆星評價欸。欠人家肉搜。 Someone left a one-star review on our video. I think they’re trying to get doxed. Duncan:不要隨便肉搜人家啦!這是違法的。 Don't just randomly dox people. It's illegal. Mike:我是想說可以問一下有什麼地方可以改進的。 I was thinking maybe I‘ll ask if we can do anything to improve our content. Duncan:最好是!你確定不會公佈他的個人資料嗎? That's probably better. So, you sure you won't publish his personal info online? Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #142 欠人家肉搜

這句英文怎麼說 #142 欠人家肉搜
