歡迎2022再見2021:新年快樂 Happy New Year! (feat. Lingumi)



1. 專為2-6歲幼兒設計的英語啟蒙學習APP
2. 共四個Level,超過200堂課
3. 牛津、哈佛專業課程團隊打造,受英國教育部正式推薦
4. 超過 300 種迷你互動小遊戲、AI語音技術
5. 注重聽力和口說,幫助孩子開口說英文

✅ 訂購連結 http://bit.ly/Sandy_Lingumi (下載後免費試用7天)
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1. 李哲楷Jasper-5y
Yum and Hush were best friends, and they always play together. But one day, Hush disappeared. Yum couldn’t find Hush. He was very sad. On New Year’s Eve, Yum went to see the fireworks alone. Fireworks lit up the night sky. And… Yum saw his friend, Hush! They were so happy to find each other. Thanks to the fireworks! Happy New Year!

2. 陳昀蔚Sunny-6y
One New Year’s Eve, I hear a knock on my door.
“Who is it?”
“I’m Monster Nian! Ho, Ho, Ho!”
Oh no! A monster at my door! Should I hide? Should I run away? What should I do? I am scared, but I open the door. The monster doesn’t look scary AT ALL!
“He..llo…,” I say.
“Wel…come… to my… house.”
“Ho! Ho! Ho! I am Santa…, I'm Monster Nian!” says the monster. “I’m here to wish you a holly jolly Christm… I mean, a happy new year!”
He gives me a big smile. He gives me a hug. He even gives me a red envelope. I’m so happy. Then Monster Nian says goodbye.
“Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Chr…. Happy New Year!”
Wait a minute! Is that Monster Nian or Santa Claus?

3. 陳湘甯Karen-7y
Chinese New Year is coming.
The cat is meowing.
The dog is barking.
Parents are setting off fireworks
Children are running around in the yards.
Chinese New Year is so much fun.
Everyone loves it!

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歡迎2022再見2021:新年快樂 Happy New Year! (feat. Lingumi)

歡迎2022再見2021:新年快樂 Happy New Year! (feat. Lingumi)
