SWEET: His Sweet, Sweet Taste SWEET~彼の甘い甘い味~ by Haruka Minami | Episode 104


Read on Futekiya: https://read.futekiya.com/comic/61bfc66a39fa3
Publisher: Libre Inc.リブレ 2007 
Stories so tooth-achingly sweet and sexy, you just might get a cavity! "Sweet": Yuushi Odaka has been tasked with a new project at work: to expand the food department of their online shopping company. Odaka knows exactly where to start: The Hotel Royal Fort's secret menu of desserts. Desperate to sign a deal with the hotel's manager, Yoshinari Hasunobe, Odaka is willing to do anything to get those delicious pastries and cream in his mouth. Anything. "Welcome to the Cosplay Cafe!": Shindou and Kanbara are in charge of organizing their class for the school's culture festival. Kanbara can barely keep his heart from bursting out of his chest whenever Shindou comes close to him. How will he handle being alone in a costume closet with him!? "I'll Tie You Up, Kiss You, and Fuck you": It's Shino's last summer vacation as a high school student and his boyfriend Sumitaka has a proposal to keep their minds and bodies active. This summer vacation just got a whole lot hotter. (Warning: dubious consent)
This manga reminded me of the older BL manga Shounen Ai manga. And most of the stories are very questionable. The style is of shoujo. The uke is very feminine drawn, passive, submissive and the seme is dominant and masculine. Classic explain are Junjo Romantica and Love Stage. The was a very fast pace. The characters just meet and they are already in bed. there was nothing much of a plot to the story. 

SWEET: His Sweet, Sweet Taste SWEET~彼の甘い甘い味~ by Haruka Minami | Episode 104

SWEET: His Sweet, Sweet Taste SWEET~彼の甘い甘い味~ by Haruka Minami | Episode 104
