【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 總結來說 ,新產品將在下個月上市!


👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I am glad that today’s meeting went well. W: I think we all did a wonderful job today. M: Is everyone clear on what the company will do next month? W: We have to get an endorsement, exploring the proper market, questionnaires… M: Can you put it in short? W: In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. wonderful ['wʌndɚfəl] (adj.) 完美的 2. endorsement [ɪnˋdɔrsmənt] (n.) 代言 3. explore [ɪkˋsplor] (v.) 探測;探勘 4. questionnaire [kwɛstʃə'nɛr] (n.) 問卷 5. put in short [put ɪn ʃɔrt] (phr.) 簡短的說 6. in summary [ɪn 'sʌmərɪ] (phr.) 總而言之 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSIn summary, ...《Note》 除了 In summary, 也可以用 In conclusion 或 All in all 來做總結的開頭。《Examples》 1. In summary, the job has to be finished by next Tuesday. 2. In summary, evreryone did a wonderful job tonight. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Can you put it in summary? B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: In summary, I love English very much ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🗺️Channel+學習頻道:https://bit.ly/3HgGgSW 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink 🎧線上即時收聽:https://bit.ly/3cyxBhE Powered by Firstory Hosting

【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 總結來說 ,新產品將在下個月上市!

【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 總結來說 ,新產品將在下個月上市!
