【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I need help in ordering office supplies.我需要協助訂購辦公室用品


👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Excuse me. I need help in ordering office supplies. M: Have you filled out the applying form? W: I am sorry but where can I get the applying form? M: You need to download it from the company’s website. Fill out what you need according to the form and then turn it in to me. W: I see. Thank you! M: You are welcome. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. order [ˋɔrdɚ] (v.) 訂購 2. supply [sәˋplaɪ] (n.) 補給品;庫存 3. applying form [әˋplaɪɪŋ fɔrm] (n.) 申請表 4. form [fɔrm] (n.) 表格;單子 5. download [ˋdaun͵lod] (v.)下載 6. according to [әkɔrdɪŋ tu] (phr.) 根據;依據 7. turn in [tɝn ɪn] (phr.) 繳交;呈遞 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I need help in ... 《Note》 I need help in odering office supplies. (我需要協助訂購辦公室用品。) 《Examples》 I need help in reading. I need help in driving. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Do you need help? B: ___________________. Yes, I need help in finding the application form. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》 a.) Yes, I need help in finding the application form. ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:https://bit.ly/39ISswV 🗺️Channel+學習頻道:https://bit.ly/3HgGgSW 🔗粉絲團:https://bit.ly/nerpodcastlink 🎧線上即時收聽:https://bit.ly/3cyxBhE Powered by Firstory Hosting

【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I need help in ordering office supplies.我需要協助訂購辦公室用品

【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I need help in ordering office supplies.我需要協助訂購辦公室用品
