【LIVE互動英語:20240716】追本溯源:風靡全球的俄羅斯方塊 2


追本溯源:風靡全球的俄羅斯方塊 2 | Fun: Tetris: The Game That Conquered the World 2

讓我們繼續與Matt和Winnie一起討論瘋迷全球的俄羅斯方塊。最後也不要錯過與『KiWi on the Street』一起練習有關祝福的翻譯喔!
Let's continue to join Matt and Winnie to discuss Tetris, which is a game that conquered the world. In addition, don’t forget to learn translations about blessings from our "KiWi on the Street".

00:00 開頭 - Intro
02:32 課文朗讀 1 - Reading 1
03:13 課文講解 1 - Explanation 1
07:50 中師講解 1 - Vocab Recap 1
10:32 課文朗讀 2 - Reading 2
11:30 課文講解 2 - Explanation 2
17:48 中師講解 2 - Vocab Recap 2
22:11 英語好好玩 - Let's Go On An Adventure Travel Video
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【LIVE互動英語:20240716】追本溯源:風靡全球的俄羅斯方塊 2

【LIVE互動英語:20240716】追本溯源:風靡全球的俄羅斯方塊 2
