002 | 食物与乡愁 Finding Home Through Food


本期节目已入选豆瓣播客2024新春精选推荐活动,欢迎大家到豆瓣收听! 【聊了什么】 食物是最公共也是最私密的事情,如果你的生活比较规律,一天会需要至少做出三个关于跟吃有关的决定,是外卖还是堂食奶茶还是咖咖啡,吃肉还是素食,中餐还是日料,火锅还是早茶,每一个决定都牵起,无数个关于商业社会、关于劳动者、关于人口流动、关于环保、关于文化的话题,在过去的几年里,我们都出于各种各样的原因成为了流散的异乡人,疫情开始之后,这种绵长的甘肠寸断的乡愁又成为了我们人生的底色。 所以对于异乡人来说,厨房突然重新成为了治愈我们的地方。像小高姐、老饭骨、慢食、慢语等成为了连接新一代流散群体的文本,在厨房里还原甚至提升了记忆里面的味道,成了很多人的疗愈体验。吃,既是一个政治的商业的文化的话题,也是一个温情的私密的心照不宣的体验。所以这期节目我们聚齐了七个女的一起来聊吃在我们生活中扮演的角色。 Food is both an utterly public and intimate matter. Every decision you make around food is related to infinitely more topics: commercialism, labor, population mobility, sustainability, culture & history, and more. During the past two years of the pandemic, the sprawling diaspora that we are a part of has been forced to face their yearning for home heads on. So we turn to the kitchen to heal our homesickness and cravings for hometown food, and gathered seven women here today to chat about food, the role it plays in our lives, and how it relates to our personal and cultural identities. 【时间轴】 这期节目,我们聚齐了七个女的: 1:45 自我简介+拿手菜 10:58 春节期间想家怎么办? 如何在异乡寻找家乡的味道:多元与单一的的“家乡味道”, 眷村文化,北漂青年,培梅食谱,食物在迁移中扮演的角色 20:12 小馄饨:对于食物的政治与情感,应有尽有的中超 26:25 小杨:“怂狗跑得快,穷人做饭香”,地域与时代对于食物记忆的影响,“改革开放三十年,为何还要屯白菜”,劳作与家人的连接 33:42 小蓝:爷爷奶奶对于自己吃饭习惯的影响;来美之后,乡愁和食物的概念变得宽泛了 36:28 一芳:半个北方人,半个广东人,家乡菜其实就是家常菜 38:48 带着亚洲胃走世界,逢年过节必须要吃中餐 47:07 烹饪与女性身份的关系,女性在家庭及社会中的地位 56:21 在家做饭vs出门吃饭 59:09 食物与身份认同,对于食物的喜爱都是连接着童年的记忆 1:03:52 疫情如何改变我们和食物的关系 1:10:48 购买pastry scraper如何拯救厨房台面;最好吃的饭是现成的饭 1:12:20 不想做饭的时候也要做:如何拥抱半成品,安利空气炸锅 1:21:30 花酱:对于食物作为消费品和消费实验的这种撕裂的感觉 1:28:19 生活小妙招 1:45 Self-introduction and our best dishes 10:58 What to do while missing home during Chinese New Year? How to find a sense of home abroad? How our childhood and upbringing helped shape our memories of food 20:12 Politics and food, and the Asian supermarkets that have everything 26:25 Growing up in Northern China and how lack of resources instilled an instinct to save up food; on labor and food 33:42 Impact of grandparent’s cooking habits 36:28 Half Northerner and half Cantonese; cravings for home food means cravings for homemade food 38:48 Our Chinese stomachs and why we eat Chinese food every holiday 47:07 On cooking and the female identity, women’s role in the family and in society 56:21 On cooking at home versus going out to eat 59:09 On food and identity; how our favorite food is tied to our treasured memories 1:03:52 How the pandemic changed our relationship with food 1:10:48 The best food is what’s already been made for you 1:12:20 Solutions for cooking even when you don’t want to: embrace the frozen food aisle and buy an air fryer 1:21:30 On experiencing food as a consumer product and a consumer experiment 1:28:19 Life tips 【买咖啡】 如果喜欢这期节目并愿意想要给我们买杯咖啡: 海外用户:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm 海内用户:https://afdian.net/@cyberpinkfm 商务合作邮箱:cyberpinkfm@gmail.com 商务合作微信:CyberPink2022 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Those Abroad:https://www.patreon.com/cyberpinkfm Those in China:https://afdian.net/@cyberpinkfm Business Inquiries Email:cyberpinkfm@gmail.com Business Inquiries WeChat: CyberPink2022 【课外阅读】 我们提到的纪录片: The Search for General Tso 我们提到的自来水带货 recommended products: 空气炸锅 Airfryer Scraper 厨余垃圾桶 Simple human compost caddy: link 菜谱 Salt Fat Acid Heat (有书,也有netflix剧) - The Wok, J. Kenji López-Alt The Food Lab, J. Kenji López-Alt Made with Lau (YouTube) 潮汕钟师傅 (YouTube)

002 | 食物与乡愁 Finding Home Through Food

002 | 食物与乡愁 Finding Home Through Food
