

Starting Friday, consumers shopping on Alibaba's Taobao platform can now use Tencent's WeChat Pay for transactions, according to an official statement from Taobao.根据淘宝的官方声明,9月27日开始,消费者在阿里巴巴淘宝平台购物时,可以使用腾讯的微信支付进行交易。The new payment option allows users to complete purchases with WeChat Pay, and subsequent updates will enable users to access transaction records and bills directly within the WeChat app, WeChat Pay said.微信支付方面表示,新的支付选项允许用户使用微信支付在淘宝购物,后续更新将会支持用户在微信内查询相关支付凭证、用户账单等操作。Additionally, Taobao and Tmall are set to officially integrate JD Logistics, with the service expected to be available by mid-October. Once live, sellers on Taobao and Tmall will have the option of selecting JD Logistics for shipments.此外,淘宝天猫平台预计将于10月中旬正式接入京东物流服务。上线后,淘宝天猫平台上的卖家即可选择使用京东物流发货。JD.com will also introduce services from Cainiao's delivery network, including Cainiao Express and Cainiao Post, which offers parcel pickup points.京东还将接入菜鸟配送网络的服务,包括菜鸟速递和菜鸟驿站,后者可提供包裹自提点。JD.com is also preparing to add Alipay as a payment option, expected to launch ahead of the Nov 11 shopping festival. Both companies have confirmed that their logistics and payment cooperation agreements are now in place.与此同时,京东也将正式接入支付宝支付,预计将在双11购物节前夕推出。两家公司都确认,他们的物流和支付合作协议现已签订。The collaboration indicates that Chinese tech companies are moving toward more efficient resource integration and enhanced user experiences, said Liang Qiang, dean of Shantou University's School of Business.汕头大学商学院院长梁强表示,此次合作表明中国科技公司正朝着更高效的资源整合和增强用户体验的方向发展。The partnership is also aligned with China's macro policies to advance digital infrastructure and facilitate the dual circulation of domestic and international markets while enhancing the competitiveness of Chinese e-commerce platforms in the global supply chain, he added.梁强补充,这一合作顺应了中国的宏观政策,即推进数字基础设施建设,促进国内国际双循环,同时增强中国电子商务平台在全球供应链中的竞争力。transactionn. 交易;买卖logisticsn. 物流;后勤dual circulation双循环


