

The fire that led to 39 deaths and nine injuries at a complex building in Jialeyuan community in Xinyu, Jiangxi province, on Jan 24 was caused by illegal construction of a cold storage facility in its basement, according to an investigation report released on Saturday.根据9月21日公布的一份调查报告,江西省新余市佳乐苑小区的一栋综合楼于1月24日发生火灾,造成39人死亡、9人受伤,起火原因是该楼地下一层违规建设冷库。Polyurethane foam sealant was used during construction at the first floor underground, releasing flammable gases that accumulated to reach combustible conditions. While laying plastic film on extruded polystyrene boards, static electricity was generated, igniting the gases, the foam and other flammable materials. It created a large amount of toxic smoke, according to the report approved by an executive meeting of the State Council.国务院常务会议审议通过的调查报告显示,地下一层施工作业中使用聚氨酯泡沫填缝剂时,释放易燃气体局部积聚达到可燃条件;在挤塑板上铺设塑料薄膜时,产生静电放电点燃积聚的易燃气体,迅即引燃聚氨酯泡沫、挤塑板等易燃可燃材料,产生大量有毒烟气。The smoke quickly spread to the second floor as the fire separation in the shared evacuation staircase between the basement and the ground floor was missing. On the second floor, students and teachers were having classes organized by a training institute. Because of the security nets and advertising boards outside the classrooms, they failed to escape on time, resulting in an increase in casualties.因地下一层与一层共用的疏散楼梯防火分隔缺失,烟气快速蔓延至二层。在二楼,师生们正在上培训机构组织的课程。由于教室外安装了防盗网和广告牌,他们无法及时逃生,造成人员伤亡扩大。The accident, which happened in the afternoon of Jan 24 caused a direct economic loss of more than 43.52 million yuan ($6.17 million).事故发生在1月24日下午,造成直接经济损失4352万余元(约617万美元)。An investigation team was established by the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Fire and Rescue Administration, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government afterwards.事后,应急管理部、公安部、国家消防救援局、全国总工会和江西省人民政府成立了事故调查组。The team found that the owner of the building illegally rented the basement floor, where construction of the cold storage facility was illegal. The building had significant deficiencies in fire prevention. The educational training institute and a hotel were operating in violation of regulations. The relevant local authorities failed to carry out supervision.调查组查明,涉事房主违法违规出租综合楼地下一层,冷库建设施工单位违规建设冷库。涉事建筑存在防火分隔重大缺陷,教育培训机构和宾馆违规经营,属地有关部门监管缺位。In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, the team suggested enhancing safety management of cold storages by regulating planning, site selection and on-site construction. It also asked for strengthened management of major places where multiple businesses operate.在接受新华社采访时,调查组建议通过规范规划、选址和现场施工建设来加强冷库安全管理。此外,调查组还要求强化多业态混合经营等重点场所安全管理。Efforts should be made to promote installation of "one-click alarm" devices in crowded areas and near evacuation routes, enabling a single press to trigger building-wide alarms and prompt responses from all occupants, it said.调查组建议,要大力推广在人员集中区域、疏散通道附近安装“一键报警”装置,实现一键按下,全楼报警、全员响应。It also addresses issues such as congested safety evacuation routes, poorly maintained fire safety facilities, inadequate safety exits, and potential hazards such as unauthorized security nets and advertisement boards.调查组还强调,要有效解决安全疏散通道不畅、消防设施未保持完好有效、安全出口不足、违规设置防盗网和广告牌等问题隐患。cold storage facility冷库,冷藏设施combustibleadj.可燃的evacuation route疏散通道potential hazard隐患,潜在的风险


