

During this year's National Day holiday, sports events across China, including those in Beijing and Shanghai, have been seen igniting public enthusiasm and spurring local consumption, reflected by ticket sales and retail figures from the tourism and catering sectors.今年国庆假期,从门票销售量以及旅游餐饮业的零售数据中可窥见,包括北京、上海在内的全国各地的体育赛事点燃了公众的热情,刺激了当地消费。The "Village Super League" soccer tournament in Guizhou province and the three-day Jinshajiang River Regatta held in Yunnan province drew large crowds, further igniting public interest in sports. The World Table Tennis China Smash was held between Sept 26 and Sunday in Beijing, with ticket sales standing at some 60 million yuan ($8.5 million).贵州的“村超”足球赛和云南为期三天的金沙江(国际)帆船赛吸引了大量观众,进一步激发了大众对体育的兴趣。WTT中国大满贯赛于9月26日至10月6日在北京举行,门票销售额达6000万元(约850万美元)。Among the standout events was the China Open, an ATP 500 and WTA 1000 hard court tennis tournament held in Beijing, which began on Sept 23.诸多赛事中,最引人注目的是9月23日起在北京举行的中国网球公开赛,这是一项WTA1000和ATP500级别的硬地网球赛事。This year, the China Open attracted around 300,000 visitors, a 50 percent increase compared to last year.今年,中国网球公开赛吸引了约30万名观众,较去年增长50%。The event generated over 80 million yuan in ticket sales revenue, up 60 percent year-on-year. By Tuesday, all tickets for the event had been sold out, and more than 29,000 attendees showed up on Wednesday alone.赛事门票收入超过8000万元,同比增长60%。截至10月1日,中网门票已全部售罄,仅10月2日一天就有29000多人到场。The event also attracted about 140,000 tennis fans from outside Beijing and over 13,000 international visitors.赛事还吸引了约140000名外地网球爱好者和13000多名国际游客。The tournament's success has been fueled by the rising prominence of Chinese tennis players, including 21-year-old Zheng Qinwen, who made history at the Paris Games as the first Chinese athlete to win an Olympic women's singles gold medal.这项赛事的成功得益于中国网球运动员的崛起。其中,21岁的郑钦文在巴黎奥运会上创造历史,成为第一位赢得奥运女子单打金牌的中国运动员。At the China Open 2024, Buyunchaokete became the first Chinese man to reach the semifinals, further boosting national interest in the sport.在2024中国网球公开赛上,布云朝克特成为第一位闯入半决赛的中国男子选手,更加激起国人对这项运动的兴趣。Tennis legend Novak Djokovic, who returned to the Rolex Shanghai Masters after five years, praised the growing success of Chinese tennis players during a visit to support Chinese junior players from the ASICS Junior Tennis Tour.网球传奇人物诺瓦克·德约科维奇时隔五年重返上海劳力士大师赛,他在参观ASICS亚瑟士青少年网球巡回赛时,对中国青少年球员表示了支持,并赞赏了中国网球运动员日益取得的成功。"I've been on the tour for more than 20 years, and Chinese women's tennis players have always been successful globally," Djokovic said. "It's great to see Chinese men's tennis emerging, and I'm enjoying this new trend."“我已经在赛场上20多年了,在国际舞台上,中国女子网球一直都非常成功。”德约科维奇说,“现在中国男子网球在网球界已经掀起了一波浪潮,这是我很高兴看到的。”Beyond tennis,the China Open also spurred the local retail and catering industries.赛场之外,中网还带动了当地零售和餐饮业的发展。Mo Tianfei, manager of the tournament's official retail store, said it had sold over 10,000 products on Tuesday alone.中网赛事官方零售店经理莫天飞介绍,仅10月1日一天就售出了1万多件商品。"Some items sold out, and we had to rush production to meet demand," Mo said.“有些商品已经售罄,我们不得不赶工生产以满足需求。”莫天飞说。Sales of the tournament's new mascot—Azhong—were particularly strong, which increased 50 percent compared to last year.中网新吉祥物“阿中”的销量尤为火爆,与去年相比增长50%。Catering at the event also saw a significant uptick. Catering sales exceeded 10 million yuan by Friday, with a 30-40 percent increase in on-site revenue.赛事期间,餐饮业也有大幅增长。截至10月4日,餐饮销售额已超过1000万元,线下收入增长30%-40%。The China Open continues to gain popularity among younger audiences, with most fans under 40, including 800 to 1,000 international visitors daily.中网持续受到年轻观众的欢迎,大多数球迷年龄在40岁以下,其中包括每天800到1000名的国际游客。Liang Xi, a local fan, spent 1,800 yuan on tickets for her family. "We came to support my 13-year-old son, Li Liangxinqi, who served as a ball kid last year. This year, he's excited to watch his favorite players like Jannik Sinner and Zhang Zhizhen."当地球迷梁熙花费1800元为家人购买了门票:“我们是来支持13岁的儿子的,他去年担任了球童。今年,他很开心能够看到扬尼克·辛纳和张之臻等他喜欢的球员。”Jiang Yiyi, deputy dean of the School of Sports, Leisure and Tourism at Beijing Sport University, highlighted the broader economic impact of sports events.北京体育大学体育休闲与旅游学院副院长蒋依依强调了体育赛事对经济的广泛影响。"Sports events play a key role in driving tourism consumption and enhancing a city's global image," Jiang said. "Building strong events, teams and players is essential to sustaining this momentum."“体育赛事在拉动旅游消费、提升城市国际形象方面发挥着关键作用,”蒋依依表示,“打造高水平赛事、团队和选手对于保持这一势头至关重要。”The eighth ATP Masters 1000 event of 2024 at the Rolex Shanghai Masters is being held from Wednesday through Oct 13 in Shanghai, including top-ranking players Jannik Sinner, Carlos Alcaraz and Alexander Zverev.2024年第八届ATP1000大师赛——上海劳力士网球大师赛将于10月2日至13日在上海举行,参赛选手包括顶级球员扬尼克·辛纳、卡洛斯·阿尔卡拉斯和亚历山大·兹维列夫。spurv. 激励;鼓舞uptickn. 小幅增加;上升prominencen. 声望;杰出semifinaln. 半决赛


