

The Ailao Mountains in Yunnan province saw a surge in visitors during the National Day holiday from Tuesday to Monday, following a viral mineral-collecting adventure video posted by a vlogger.近日,一位视频博主独自进山探矿的视频在网络走红,也让云南哀牢山再次走进公众视野。在10月1日至7日的国庆假期,哀牢山的游客数量激增。During the weeklong holiday, the Ailao Mountain scenic area in Xinping county welcomed over 50,000 tourists, a 15 percent increase compared to the same period last year, according to the county's culture and tourism bureau. The annual average for the scenic area is around 500,000 visitors.新平县文化和旅游局称,在为期一周的长假期间,新平县哀牢山景区共接待游客5万多人次,与去年同期相比增长15%。该景区的年平均游客量约为50万人次。The influx of tourists led to full occupancy and skyrocketing prices at local accommodations. A popular topic on social media platform Sina Weibo was "Traffic jam in the Ailao Mountains."大量游客的涌入导致当地住宿爆满,价格飞涨。社交媒体平台新浪微博上的热门话题是#哀牢山堵车#。A local homestay owner, surnamed Chen, told Shangyou News that his 20-room establishment was fully booked within hours.当地一位陈姓民宿老板告诉《上游新闻》,他的20间客房在几小时内就被预订一空。"Normally, our rooms cost about 90 yuan ($12.80) per night, but during the holiday, prices went up to 240 yuan. Even then, demand far exceeded supply," he said.这位民宿老板说:“平时,我们客房的价格约为每晚90元(约12.8美元),但在国庆假期,价格涨到了每晚240元。即便如此,需求还是远远超过了供应。”One visitor surnamed Long, who drove from Chongqing to witness the sea of clouds and sunrise, said the experience was breathtaking. However, she noted challenges, including thick fog and poor visibility while driving through the mountains.一位从重庆驱车前来观赏云海和日出的龙姓游客说,这次经历令人叹为观止。不过,她也注意到了一些挑战,比如在山间行驶时有浓雾、能见度低。The surge in tourism has sparked safety concerns among local authorities as well as residents. The Ailao Mountains span multiple counties, including Xinping and Chuxiong. While parts of the mountains, such as the scenic area in Xinping, offer better facilities and safety measures, officials warned that other areas, especially the core zone of the Ailao Mountains National Nature Reserve, pose significant risks.旅游业的迅猛发展引发了当地政府和居民对安全问题的担忧。哀牢山横跨新平、楚雄等多个县。虽然山脉的部分地区,如新平的风景区,提供了较好的设施和安全措施,但当地政府警告说,其他地区,尤其是哀牢山国家级自然保护区的核心区,存在着巨大的风险。In 2021, four geological survey workers went missing in the mountains and were later confirmed dead due to hypothermia.2021年,4名地质调查人员在哀牢山失踪遇难,后确认因人体失温死亡。On Saturday, the scenic area issued a safety advisory urging tourists to avoid underdeveloped areas. On Sunday, the Chuxiong management bureau of the nature reserve issued notices warning that unauthorized entry into the reserve would result in fines ranging from 100 to 5,000 yuan.10月5日,景区发布安全提示,呼吁游客避开未开发区域。10月6日,哀牢山自然保护区楚雄管护局发布公告,警告未经批准进入自然保护区将被处以100元以上5000元以下的罚款。Experts have cited the mountains' complex geography, the release of carbon dioxide at night and abnormal geomagnetic fields as factors that can disorient visitors, leading to unconsciousness or causing compasses to malfunction. Local villagers also warned of wild animals such as bears and snakes, as well as unpredictable weather conditions that can cause tourists to become lost.专家们指出,山区复杂的地理环境、夜晚释放的二氧化碳以及异常的大地磁场都可能使游客迷失方向,导致缺氧失去意识或指南针失灵。当地村民还警告说,熊和蛇等野生动物以及难以预测的天气状况都可能导致游客迷路。The growing popularity of outdoor adventure tourism in China has exposed visitors to increasing risks. In May, a woman died from hypothermia while hiking on Wugong Mountain in Jiangxi province. In June, 25 hikers were trapped in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, resulting in one death.随着户外探险旅游在中国的日益普及,游客面临的风险也越来越大。5月,一女子在江西武功山徒步时出现失温不幸离世。6月,25名徒步人员在海南热带雨林国家公园被困,其中一人死亡。skyrocketv. 突升,猛涨disorientv. 使迷失方向breathtakingadj. 壮观的,非常激动人心的hypothermian. 体温过低,低温症


