EP40 Grit


7/8In all those very different contexts ,one characteristic emerged  as a significant predictor  of  success . And it wasn’t social (intelligences  ), wasn’t good looks  , physical health , and it wasn’t IQ . It was grit . Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals  . So far the best idea I’ve  heard about building grit in kids  , is something called growth (mindset ) ,this is an idea  developed at sanford university  by (Carol  Dweck ) . And it is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed .that it can change with your effort . Doctor (Dweck ) had  shown that when kids read and learn about the  brain . And how it changes and grows in response to challenge , they are   must  more likely to preserver when they fail.  Because they don’t believe  that failure is permanent  condition 

EP40 Grit

EP40 Grit
