EP25 the youngest billionaire


5.4 Who exactly is this  whiz kid holding the title of the w or  young self-made billionaire . Let’s found out .Alexander wang is always love mathematics ,  ever since he was a kid ,wang   has participated in  several national math and  coding competitions ,and although he  didn’t win the  competitions, the thrill of the competition left huge impression on him, and pushed him to become a genius coder .  it was no denying that  following his passion to push wang to great successful heights , and 25 ,wang is now  the world’s youngest  self-made  billionaire  . When he was 19 , wang  decided to drop out of  college  and  co-fund  software company , called scale AI , the company which just name scale  AI .makes use of  technology  to work much faster than human analysts can work , to examine satellite images .

EP25 the youngest billionaire

EP25 the youngest billionaire
