英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_43 Months


在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.lamb 羊羔2.stormy 有暴风雨3.mild 温和4.blow down 吹掉5.chill 寒冷原文MonthsThere are twelve months in the year.January is the first month of the year.It is usually cold in January.February is the second month in the year.It is still winter when February comes.They say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.That means that it is still usually cold,and sometimes stormy when March begins.By the time that March ends,the weather is starting to get a little better.April is the rainy month.April showers bring May flowers.Many of the spring flower bloom in May.The weather can be quite mild in May.June is usually a nice warm month.Many people get married in June.July can be hot.People have vacations in July.It is time to do summer things.It is still summer in August,but the summer is winding down.August is the time to have last minute vacations.In September,we go back to school.Autumn winds begin to blow.October really feels like autumn.October is Halloween time.November is when we really start to feel the chill.December is the Christmas month.Most people do a lot of Christmas shopping in December.They spend quite a bit of time getting ready for Christmas.All of the months are different.Which month were you born in?

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_43 Months

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_43 Months
