(4621期)最爱听什么乐器演奏 What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to the most


心情不好压力大的时候 when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm feeling very tired or the fatigue comes to me 钢琴曲不一样 让我放松提神醒脑 the music from piano can be very different from other kinds of musical instruments. I feel like very relaxed and refreshed 不知道为什么 天生的 I don't know why probably it's born with 小时候学过钢琴 when I was at my young age, I tried to learn something one or two on piano

(4621期)最爱听什么乐器演奏 What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to the most

(4621期)最爱听什么乐器演奏 What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to the most
