第2322期:Complex life on Earth may be much older than thought


This theory is a big departure from conventional thinking. Most experts agree that animal life emerged 635 million years ago. But this team say they detected an explosion of the nutrients needed for life, including oxygen and phosphorus, 2.1 billion years ago.这个理论和传统认知有很大的不同。大多数专家普遍认为动物生命最早于 6.35 亿年前出现在地球上。但这个科研团队表示,他们发现生命所需的营养物质在 21 亿年前激增,包括氧气和磷。They believe two continental plates collided and caused underwater volcanic activity. This made an environment that could support life similar to slime mould, a brainless organism that reproduces with spores. But not all scientists agree with the theory, and some say more evidence is needed.这些科学家们认为两个大陆板块碰撞并引起了水下火山活动。这创造了一个可以支持像黏菌这类由孢子繁殖的无脑生物的进化环境。但并非所有科学家都认同这个理论,有些专家表示这个理论还需要更多的证据来支持。词汇表big departure 很大的不同,严重的偏离conventional 传统的,常规的detected 发现了phosphorus 磷continental plates 大陆板块collided 碰撞support life 支持生命slime mould 黏菌brainless 无脑的organism 生物体,有机体spores 孢子

第2322期:Complex life on Earth may be much older than thought

第2322期:Complex life on Earth may be much older than thought
