第2314期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(2)


Google created the Android operating system and makes Pixel smartphones. It warns that hot batteries lose power faster, even when not being used. 谷歌创建了 Android 操作系统并生产 Pixel 智能手机。 它警告说,热电池即使在不使用时也会更快地失去电力。Look at changing your smartphone settings so apps and other device operations use less power. Doing this can extend your battery’s daily life and give more time between charges. 请考虑更改智能手机设置,以便应用程序和其他设备操作使用更少的电量。 这样做可以延长电池的使用寿命并延长充电间隔时间。 Examples include turning down the phone’s screen brightness, changing to a dark theme and making the screen power off sooner. You can also look at battery usage in the device’s settings to identify power-hungry apps that can be turned off or removed. 例如,调低手机的屏幕亮度、更改为深色主题以及更快地关闭屏幕。 您还可以在设备设置中查看电池使用情况,以确定可以关闭或删除的耗电应用程序。 Also, if an iPhone’s power level drops below 10 percent, users can turn on the low power setting to stretch battery life before the next charge. Android phones have a similar “power saving mode.” But while this setting can be left on all the time, experts say doing so can affect the phone's overall performance. 此外,如果 iPhone 的电量低于 10%,用户可以在下次充电前打开低电量设置以延长电池寿命。 Android手机也有类似的“省电模式”。 不过,虽然这个设置可以一直保留,但专家表示,这样做会影响手机的整体性能。 Samsung says another power-saving move is to turn off Bluetooth or Wi-Fi when they are not being used. Apple, however, advises iPhone users to leave these on because they use very little power when not connected. 三星表示,另一个省电举措是在不使用蓝牙或 Wi-Fi 时将其关闭。 然而,苹果公司建议 iPhone 用户保留这些功能,因为它们在未连接时消耗的电量非常少。Many smartphone users already know the benefits of using screen protectors and device cases. Experts advise not using plastic versions, which can damage the phone’s face. Device website iFixit suggests choosing ones made with either Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) material – which combines both plastic and rubber – or tempered glass. Both offer more solid protection. 许多智能手机用户已经知道使用屏幕保护膜和设备保护壳的好处。 专家建议不要使用塑料版本,这可能会损坏手机的表面。 设备网站 iFixit 建议选择由热塑性聚氨酯 (TPU) 材料(结合了塑料和橡胶)或钢化玻璃制成的设备。 两者都提供更坚实的保护。Smartphones can collect dirt and other materials that can block port openings and hurt performance. Experts say a toothpick or toothbrush can be used to get rid of much of these substances. But they advise users to make sure the process is removing the material, not pushing it deeper inside. 智能手机可能会积聚灰尘和其他物质,从而堵塞端口开口并损害性能。 专家表示,可以使用牙签或牙刷去除大部分这些物质。 但他们建议用户确保该过程是去除材料,而不是将其推入更深的内部。Software is another important part in extending a phone’s lifespan. Experts suggest downloading the latest operating system updates often. This will limit problems related to the device’s privacy, security and battery operations. 软件是延长手机使用寿命的另一个重要部分。 专家建议经常下载最新的操作系统更新。 这将限制与设备隐私、安全和电池操作相关的问题。 

第2314期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(2)

第2314期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(2)
