第2302期:UN Chief Issues Urgent Warning of Danger from Rising Pacific Sea Levels


**United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says that rising ocean temperatures present urgent risks for people living in the Pacific Islands.**  联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯表示,海洋温度的上升对生活在太平洋岛屿的人们构成了紧迫的风险。**Guterres made the comment while at the Pacific Islands Forum taking place in Tonga. The country is a collection of about 170 islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean.**  古特雷斯在参加正在汤加举行的太平洋岛国论坛时发表了这一评论。汤加是一个由大约170个岛屿组成的国家,位于西南太平洋。**The U.N. chief said studies suggest the southwestern Pacific faces more extreme sea level rise than other parts of the world. The problem, he added, is linked to sea temperatures in the area that in some cases are three times higher than worldwide levels.**  联合国秘书长表示,研究表明西南太平洋面临着比世界其他地区更为极端的海平面上升问题。他补充说,这一问题与该地区的海洋温度有关,在某些情况下,该地区的海洋温度比全球平均水平高出三倍。**Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and this can cause sea level rise.**  温度升高会导致水体膨胀,从而引发海平面上升。**"I am in Tonga to issue a global SOS – Save Our Seas – on rising sea levels," Guterres said.**  古特雷斯表示:“我在汤加发出全球SOS——拯救我们的海洋,以应对海平面上升。”**The U.N. leader said that rising seas were "amplifying” the number and severity of storms and coastal flooding across the area. He said such flooding can destroy fisheries, damage crops and poison water. “All this puts Pacific Island nations in grave danger," he said.**  联合国领导人表示,海平面上升正在“加剧”该地区风暴和沿海洪水的数量和严重性。他说,这种洪水会摧毁渔业、破坏农作物并污染水源。“这一切都将太平洋岛国置于极度危险之中,”他表示。**A report recently released by the U.N.’s World Meteorological Organization showed ocean temperatures in the southwestern Pacific are increasing at up to three times the worldwide rate.**  联合国世界气象组织最近发布的一份报告显示,西南太平洋的海洋温度正在以全球平均速度的三倍上升。**Guterres said the Pacific islands are especially at risk because much of their land is “just one to two meters above sea level."**  古特雷斯表示,太平洋岛国尤其面临风险,因为它们的很多土地“仅比海平面高一到两米”。**And, he added, "Half the infrastructure is within 500 meters of the sea."**  他还补充说,“一半的基础设施都在距离海岸500米以内。”**Many scientists blame the planet’s rising temperatures on pollution from fossil fuel use. Guterres said the Pacific Islands can expect additional sea level rise of 15 centimeters by 2050 if the pollution levels do not drop.**  许多科学家将地球温度上升归咎于化石燃料使用产生的污染。古特雷斯表示,如果污染水平不下降,到2050年,太平洋岛国的海平面将额外上升15厘米。**Guterres urged world leaders to greatly increase the level of climate-related investments, especially for at-risk countries, to help fight the problem.**  古特雷斯敦促世界领导人大幅增加与气候相关的投资,尤其是对高风险国家,以帮助应对这一问题。**Delegates to the 2023 U.N. climate change conference approved the establishment of a "loss and damage" fund to help poor nations deal with climate disasters.**  2023年联合国气候变化大会的代表们批准设立一个“损失和损害”基金,以帮助贫困国家应对气候灾害。**"Developed countries must deliver on their finance commitments,” Guterres said. He added that one commitment calls for doubling financing to at least $40 billion a year by 2025.**  古特雷斯表示:“发达国家必须履行其财务承诺。”他补充说,其中一项承诺要求到2025年将融资翻倍至每年至少400亿美元。

第2302期:UN Chief Issues Urgent Warning of Danger from Rising Pacific Sea Levels

第2302期:UN Chief Issues Urgent Warning of Danger from Rising Pacific Sea Levels
