第2301期:Harlem Celebrates Its Rebirth after 50 Years


In the 1970s, a lack of community investment resulted in a large number of people leaving Harlem, a well-known New York City neighborhood in northern Manhattan.在20世纪70年代,由于社区投资不足,导致大量居民离开了哈莱姆,这是位于曼哈顿北部的纽约市著名社区。Nearly 50,000 people, about a third of the area’s population, left to escape violence, crime and poor living conditions. Among those who left was LeeSandra Moore’s mother who moved to the state of Virginia. “It was a scary time,” said Moore, now 52 and still living in Harlem. “I couldn’t blame her for that.”大约有五万人,约占该地区人口的三分之一,离开了这里以逃避暴力、犯罪和恶劣的生活条件。LeeSandra Moore的母亲就是其中一员,她搬到了弗吉尼亚州。现年52岁的Moore仍然住在哈莱姆,她说:“那是一个可怕的时期,我不能责怪她。”Those who stayed were mostly poor, Black families. They lived through unrest that followed the 1964 killing of an unarmed Black teenager and the killings of Black leader Malcolm X in 1965 and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968.那些留下来的人大多是贫穷的黑人家庭。他们经历了1964年一名手无寸铁的黑人少年被杀后,以及1965年黑人领袖马尔科姆·X和1968年马丁·路德·金牧师被杀后的动乱。News reports described Harlem as a “sinking ship.”新闻报道将哈莱姆形容为一艘“正在下沉的船”。Percy Sutton was president of the local Manhattan government at the time. As the city’s highest-ranking Black official, he knew Harlem needed a lift and started a festival called Harlem Day in 1974.当时,珀西·萨顿是曼哈顿当地政府的主席。作为该市级别最高的黑人官员,他知道哈莱姆需要振兴,于是于1974年创办了一个名为“哈莱姆日”的节日。Sutton called up elected officials. He gathered actors, like Sidney Poitier and Ruby Dee, entertainers, including Tito Puente and Max Roach, and the poet Maya Angelou to celebrate the first Harlem Day. It honored Harlem's history and shows how the neighborhood became known as "Black Mecca” or the center of Black arts, culture and businesses.萨顿联系了当选官员。他召集了演员,如西德尼·波蒂埃和鲁比·迪,以及表演者,包括蒂托·普恩特和马克斯·罗奇,还有诗人玛雅·安杰卢,共同庆祝了首个哈莱姆日。这个节日纪念了哈莱姆的历史,并展示了这个社区如何成为“黑人麦加”或黑人艺术、文化和商业中心的。“It was such a successful day,” said Lloyd Williams — one of Harlem Day’s co-founders and the current president of the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce — that it became a week-long yearly event called Harlem Week.“那是一个非常成功的日子,”Lloyd Williams说道,他是哈莱姆日的联合创始人之一,也是现任大哈莱姆商会的主席。这个活动变成了一年一度的周活动,称为哈莱姆周。This year, Harlem Week celebrated its 50th anniversary with 18 days filled with free programming.今年,哈莱姆周庆祝了其50周年纪念,共进行了为期18天的免费活动。The celebration included food, Broadway performances, an Apollo Hour, and a tribute to entertainer Harry Belafonte. It offered financial education and career training, and for children, back-to-school backpacks.庆祝活动包括美食、百老汇演出、阿波罗时光以及对表演者哈里·贝拉方特的致敬。还提供了财务教育和职业培训,为孩子们提供了返校背包。One important part of Harlem Week was an effort to deal with Harlem's long-standing health crises. Medical volunteers checked blood pressure and tested for cancer and diabetes. People learned about drug use, HIV/AIDS and healthy aging.哈莱姆周的一个重要部分是解决哈莱姆长期存在的健康危机。医疗志愿者测量血压,并进行癌症和糖尿病筛查。人们还了解了药物使用、艾滋病和健康老龄化知识。Rev. Al Sharpton leads the National Action Network in Harlem. He said, "Harlem Week has been the constant line through the last 50 years of America's most historic Black neighborhood."艾尔·夏普顿牧师领导了哈莱姆的全国行动网络。他说:“哈莱姆周是过去50年来美国最具历史意义的黑人社区的一条恒久线索。”Organizers and people say Harlem Week has brought new life to the area. The once-deserted neighborhood is now home to restored buildings, new businesses, and immigrants. The streets are filled with jazz, reggae, R&B, and gospel music traditions.组织者和当地人表示,哈莱姆周为该地区带来了新生。这个曾经荒废的社区现在有了修复的建筑、新的企业和移民。街道上充满了爵士、雷鬼、R&B和福音音乐的传统。Moore, the Harlem native whose mother moved to Virginia, watched as big national stores moved in. Sometimes they took the place of local shops and made rents go up. "Some of that is okay, but what about the small business where you can get that great sandwich?" she asked. Moore wants people to eat less fast food, so she teaches healthy eating and cooking to young local students.Moore的母亲搬到了弗吉尼亚,而她是哈莱姆的原住民,她目睹了大规模的全国性商店的进驻。有时它们取代了当地的小店,导致租金上涨。“有些变化是可以接受的,但那些可以让你吃到美味三明治的小店呢?”她问道。Moore希望人们少吃快餐,所以她向当地年轻学生教授健康饮食和烹饪。At Harlem Week, Moore represented GirlTrek, a national movement of Black women supporting health through walking. She said, "I feel like I should have left a long time ago, but something about Harlem draws me back to it."在哈莱姆周,Moore代表GirlTrek,这是一个通过步行支持健康的黑人女性全国运动。她说:“我觉得我早就应该离开,但哈莱姆有某种东西吸引我回到这里。”Moore continued, "Harlem is my beginning. Harlem is my future. Harlem is a huge part of what makes me who I am."Moore继续说道:“哈莱姆是我的起点。哈莱姆是我的未来。哈莱姆是让我成为今天的我的一个重要部分。”

第2301期:Harlem Celebrates Its Rebirth after 50 Years

第2301期:Harlem Celebrates Its Rebirth after 50 Years
