第2293期:Japan’s Megaquake Warning Leads to Worry, Preparation


An agency of Japan’s government recently gave its first-ever "megaquake advisory," or warning message.  日本政府的一个机构最近首次发布了“超大型地震警告”或警告信息。The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued the warning after a powerful quake struck on August 8 off the southeastern coast of Japan’s main island of Kyushu.  在日本气象厅发布这一警告之前,8月8日日本九州主岛东南海岸发生了一次强烈地震。The magnitude 7.1 quake caused no deaths or severe damage, but the advisory has led to questions and a sense of worry. Japan is among the countries most hit by earthquakes. Now many citizens are wondering about when the next big quake will hit.  这次7.1级地震没有造成人员死亡或重大损失,但这一警告引发了疑问和担忧。日本是世界上地震灾害最频繁的国家之一,许多市民开始担心下一次大地震何时会发生。The Associated Press recently explained what the advisory means, what people are being told to do:  美联社最近解释了这一警告的含义以及人们应该采取的措施:JMA issued the advisory after deciding that the August 8 quake increased the likelihood of another major quake.  日本气象厅在确定8月8日的地震增加了另一次大地震的可能性后发布了这一警告。The agency said there is a 70 to 80 percent chance of a magnitude 8 or 9 quake associated with an area called the Nankai Trough within the next 30 years. The JMA said the probability of such an event is now "higher than normal."  该机构表示,未来30年内,在一个名为南海海槽的区域发生8级或9级地震的概率为70%至80%。日本气象厅表示,这种事件发生的概率现在“高于正常水平”。Naoshi Hirata is a seismologist at the University of Tokyo and head of the JMA's group of experts. He said that the warning was not a prediction that a megaquake will happen at any specific time or place. He urged people to remain careful and prepared.  平田直是东京大学的地震学家,也是日本气象厅专家组的负责人。他表示,这一警告并不是在预测某个特定时间或地点将发生超大型地震。他呼吁人们保持警惕和做好准备。The Nankai Trough is an undersea trench, or a deep valley on the ocean floor, that runs from the waters just off the southeastern coast of Kyushu, to Suruga Bay in central Japan. It is about 800 kilometers long.  南海海槽是一条海底沟槽,或是海床上的深谷,延伸从九州东南海岸附近的水域到日本中部的骏河湾。它长约800公里。Two large areas of the Earth’s surface, the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate meet there. The Philippine plate slowly pulls down on the Eurasian plate and causes it to release energy from time to time. The JMA said that could lead to a megaquake and tsunami.  地球表面的两个大区域,菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块在此交汇。菲律宾海板块慢慢拉动欧亚板块,导致其不时释放能量。日本气象厅表示,这可能导致超大型地震和海啸。The last Nankai Trough quake was off Shikoku in 1946. The U.S. Geological Survey estimated its magnitude to be 8.3, and more than 1,400 people died.  上一次南海海槽地震发生在1946年四国附近。美国地质调查局估计其震级为8.3级,超过1400人丧生。As a result of the "megaquake advisory," Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida canceled a trip and announced he would lead the government response. Local governments are studying their emergency plans.  由于“超大型地震警告”的发布,日本首相岸田文雄取消了一次出行,并宣布将领导政府应对措施。地方政府正在研究他们的应急计划。Experts and officials have urged people to stay calm and to continue normal life but to prepare for a possible evacuation.  专家和官员们敦促人们保持冷静,继续正常生活,但也要为可能的疏散做好准备。JMA experts said on August 12 they have so far found no abnormal activity that would suggest a megaquake.  日本气象厅的专家们在8月12日表示,迄今为止,他们尚未发现任何表明超大型地震即将发生的异常活动。The "megaquake advisory” is filled with scientific terms. It has worried people across the country. Some towns closed beaches and canceled yearly events. This has led to problems for travelers during Japan's Obon holiday week, a time for festivals and fireworks across the nation.  “超大型地震警告”充满了科学术语,这让全国各地的人们感到担忧。一些城镇关闭了海滩并取消了年度活动。这给日本盂兰盆节假期期间的旅行者带来了困扰,盂兰盆节是全国各地庆祝节日和烟火的时刻。Some stores are running out of emergency supplies, even in areas where there is little risk. In the vacation town of Matsuyama city on the island of Shikoku, hotels and resorts studied their evacuation plans and emergency equipment. In another seaside town, Shirahama, outdoor hot springs were closed for a week and a fireworks festival was cancelled.  一些商店的应急物资已经售罄,即使是在风险较小的地区。在四国岛上的度假城镇松山市,酒店和度假村研究了他们的疏散计划和应急设备。在另一个海滨小镇白滨,户外温泉关闭了一周,烟花节也被取消。

第2293期:Japan’s Megaquake Warning Leads to Worry, Preparation

第2293期:Japan’s Megaquake Warning Leads to Worry, Preparation
