第2289期:In Warmer Weather, South Korean Farmers Growing Bananas


Ma Myung-sun had low expectations for the subtropical bananas he planted in a community farm in Seoul. He must use a greenhouse for part of the year to protect them from South Korea's cold winters. 马明顺对他在首尔一个社区农场种植的亚热带香蕉期望不高。他必须在一年中的某个时候使用温室,以保护香蕉免受韩国寒冷冬季的影响。 But warmer temperatures due to climate change have produced a welcome surprise in the form of flowers and fruit. 但由于气候变化导致气温升高,他意外收获了花朵和果实,感到非常惊喜。 The land area where subtropical crops are grown in South Korea has increased from about 295 hectares in 2021 to 3,306 hectares in 2023. 在韩国,亚热带作物的种植面积从2021年的约295公顷增加到2023年的3,306公顷。South Korea’s state agricultural organization, the Rural Development Administration, reports that there are 67 banana farms in the south. And Ma is among a growing number of farmers experimenting with crops usually grown in a warmer climate. 韩国国家农业机构农村发展署报告称,韩国南部有67个香蕉农场。马明顺是越来越多尝试种植通常在温暖气候下生长的作物的农民之一。 "I want to try growing other tropical crops too. So, as you can see here, I have planted these papaya trees as well,” Ma said, pointing to a small papaya plant. 马明顺说:“我也想尝试种植其他热带作物。所以,正如你在这里看到的,我还种了这些木瓜树。”他指着一株小木瓜树说。 Ma opened up part of his family’s farm to people from the city in 2006. He is happy about his small success. But he worries about what it means for the climate.2006年,马明顺将家里的一部分农场开放给城市里的人们。他对自己取得的小小成功感到高兴,但他担心这对气候意味着什么。 "I feel that the climate crisis has become very serious," said Ma, who has been a farmer for 25 years.South Korea lies in the temperate zone and has four seasons. But its climate appears to be getting warmer and wetter throughout the year. “我觉得气候危机变得非常严重,”做了25年农民的马明顺说。韩国位于温带,有四个季节,但其气候似乎全年变得越来越温暖和潮湿。 The Korea Meteorological Administration reports that since 2012, the average yearly temperature has been continually rising. The average temperature last year of 13.7 degrees Celsius was the highest since its records began in 1973. Rainfall during last year's rainy season was 660.2 mm nationwide, nearly two times the 356.7 mm annual average figure. 韩国气象厅报告称,自2012年以来,年均气温一直在上升。去年的平均气温为13.7摄氏度,是自1973年有记录以来的最高值。去年雨季的全国降雨量为660.2毫米,几乎是年均356.7毫米的两倍。 Kim Kwang-soo is a professor of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Seoul National University. Kim said South Korea's climate conditions were becoming more like subtropical areas, so it is important for farmers to find the right crop varieties for the climate. 金光洙是首尔国立大学农业与生命科学教授。他说,韩国的气候条件越来越像亚热带地区,因此农民找到适合气候的作物品种非常重要。 Tropical and subtropical fruit are usually expensive in South Korea, so shoppers should welcome the less costly local produce. 热带和亚热带水果在韩国通常很贵,所以消费者应该欢迎价格较低的本地产品。 "My kids love bananas. So, it would be good if we harvest bananas in this country," said Kim Ji-youn, who was purchasing imported bananas in a Seoul supermarket. 金智妍在首尔的一家超市购买进口香蕉时说:“我的孩子们喜欢香蕉。所以,如果我们能在国内收获香蕉,那就太好了。”

第2289期:In Warmer Weather, South Korean Farmers Growing Bananas

第2289期:In Warmer Weather, South Korean Farmers Growing Bananas
