第2278a期:Italy’s Historic Trains Draw Visitors to Popular Areas


As it moves across central Italy, an old train pulling carriages from the 1930s and 1950s crosses the forests of the Majella National Park and the Abruzzo highlands.当它穿越意大利中部时,一列拖着20世纪30年代和50年代车厢的老火车穿过了马耶拉国家公园的森林和阿布鲁佐高地。Across 100 kilometers, the Park Railway, also known as the Italian Transiberian, travels through valleys and tunnels and over old bridges called viaducts. It offers visitors a view of small, rural and hidden villages in the country.在100公里的路程中,这条被称为意大利西伯利亚铁路的公园铁路穿越山谷、隧道和被称为高架桥的旧桥梁。它为游客提供了乡村隐秘小村庄的景色。It was the first of some 1,000 kilometers of rail line to have re-opened under a project by Fondazione FS, part of the state-controlled national rail company. The project called "Timeless tracks" aims to take visitors to forgotten parts of Italy instead of the popular cities.这是国家铁路公司下属的FS基金会在一个项目中重新开放的约1000公里铁路中的第一条。该项目名为“永恒轨道”,旨在带领游客前往被遗忘的意大利地区,而非热门城市。"These are tracks that have lived through different eras, they have carried soldiers to the front, cows to pasture... they were mistakenly considered unproductive during the 1960s and 70s but are now once again of value," Luigi Cantamessa, who heads Fondazione FS, told Reuters.“这些轨道经历了不同的时代,曾运送士兵到前线,牛群到牧场……在20世纪60年代和70年代,它们被错误地认为是没有生产力的,但现在再次具有价值,”FS基金会负责人路易吉·坎塔梅萨告诉路透社。Inspired by train travel in Switzerland, the project now carries 45,000 visitors a year across its 13 lines. Fondazione FS expects to open two new ones by 2026, both in the southern area of Sicily.受瑞士火车旅行的启发,该项目现在每年通过其13条线路运送4.5万名游客。FS基金会预计在2026年前开放两条新线路,均位于西西里岛南部地区。"What were considered to be the dry branches of Italy's train network, have now proved to be the green shoots," Cantamessa added.“曾被认为是意大利铁路网络的枯枝,现在已被证明是新芽,”坎塔梅萨补充道。Norma Pagiotti is a 28-year-old from Florence, Italy traveling on the train with two friends.诺玛·帕吉奥蒂是一名28岁的意大利佛罗伦萨人,正与两位朋友乘坐这列火车旅行。Pagiotti said, "People are used to cities and places, like Florence, that everyone knows.. but then there are other areas that need to be discovered. (This) is the right kind of tourism that does not spoil the authenticity of places,"帕吉奥蒂说:“人们习惯了像佛罗伦萨这样人人皆知的城市和地方……但还有其他需要被发现的地区。(这)是不会破坏地方真实性的正确旅游方式。”Caterina Quaranta, from southern Italy, used the term “nostalgic," meaning a longing for a past time, to describe riding the train.来自意大利南部的卡特里娜·夸兰塔用“怀旧”一词来形容乘坐这列火车,意指对过去时光的渴望。“The train reminds me of my youth, I feel a bit nostalgic for the things of the past, which were simpler, now everything is fast, short-lived," Quaranta said.“火车让我想起了我的青春,我对过去简单的事物有些怀旧,现在一切都很快,转瞬即逝,”夸兰塔说。Laura Colaprete, a local guide, said the trains draw Italians and foreigners, families and children, younger people who get off to hike and ride bicycles, and older people "who have time to spare.”当地导游劳拉·科拉普雷特说,这些火车吸引了意大利人和外国人、家庭和儿童、下车徒步和骑自行车的年轻人以及“有时间闲逛”的老年人。After climbing up almost 1,000 meters in altitude, the Transiberian's first stop is in Palena, a hill-top town known for its beautiful views over the national park.在海拔上升近1000米后,西伯利亚铁路的第一站是帕莱纳,这个山顶小镇以其国家公园的美丽景色而闻名。Traditional folk music accompanies people getting off the train, with local foods such as lamb skewers and soft pancakes and products by local artisans awaiting them at the station.传统的民间音乐伴随着人们下车,当地的羊肉串、软煎饼和手工艺品在车站等待着他们。"The train helps several small towns around here. This line was a dead line before," said Gino Toppi, 60, as he helped his wife with the food stand in the small station.“这列火车帮助了这里的几个小镇。这条线路以前是死线,”60岁的吉诺·托皮在小站帮妻子料理食品摊时说。Milan's Bocconi University recently estimated that for every dollar spent by passengers on tickets, as much as three more are spent on food, tours and other purchases. The rail ticket costs between $32 and $76.米兰博科尼大学最近估计,乘客每花费一美元买票,就会在食物、旅游和其他购买上多花三美元。铁路票价在32美元到76美元之间。That helps to support the economy of villages that have long lost population due to the declining birth rate and younger people leaving for the bigger cities.这有助于支持由于出生率下降和年轻人前往大城市而长期人口减少的村庄经济。"There certainly are benefits, this is a way to show my products," said Annalisa Cantelmi, an herbalist, or herb grower. "These tourists are slowly discovering these new territories, their traditions and people," she added.“确实有好处,这是展示我产品的一种方式,”草药种植者安娜丽莎·坎特尔米说。“这些游客正在慢慢发现这些新领地、他们的传统和人们,”她补充道。

第2278a期:Italy’s Historic Trains Draw Visitors to Popular Areas

第2278a期:Italy’s Historic Trains Draw Visitors to Popular Areas
