第2276期:New French Stamps Smell Like Baguettes


Visitors to Paris for the Olympics can now send a smell of France home with their picture postcards and letters.参加奥运会的巴黎游客现在可以通过他们的明信片和信件将法国的气味带回家。The smell comes from a special stamp showing the country’s famous bread called baguette. The sweet smell, however, may remind you of a French bakery more than an actual baguette.这种气味来自一张特殊的邮票,上面展示了该国著名的面包——法棍。然而,这种甜美的气味可能会让你想起法国的面包店,而不是实际的法棍。The stamp was released in May for the day of Saint-Honoré, the saint of bakers. Postal worker Clarisse Briend said the baguette makes people think of France. And she hopes visitors will pick up the stamps along with other official Paris 2024 postcards and stamps. The stamp sells for more than $2 at area post offices.这张邮票是为五月的面包师守护神圣奥诺雷日发布的。邮政工人克拉丽斯·布里安德表示,法棍让人们想到法国。她希望游客们能够购买这些邮票以及其他巴黎2024官方明信片和邮票。这张邮票在当地邮局售价超过2美元。Pia Schöndienst is a German visitor coming from the Netherlands with her family. She bought the stamps and said she could not smell anything, but her son could smell a chocolate croissant.皮娅·申迪恩斯特是一位来自荷兰的德国游客,她和家人一起前来。她购买了这些邮票并表示自己闻不到任何气味,但她的儿子却闻到了巧克力羊角面包的味道。"You just have to rub the stamp here like this with your nails," Clarisse Briend said. "You can smell the bread, the baguette."“你只需要像这样用指甲在这里摩擦邮票,”克拉丽斯·布里安德说。“你可以闻到面包的味道,法棍的味道。”At the Léonie Bakery in Paris, baker Yasin Robin smelled the stamp and said, “It smells like flan,” a dessert but not the baguette itself. Chief baker Harlem Gbodialo said he could smell something sweet on the stamp while the shop manager Jeanne Barrère compared it to vanilla.在巴黎的莉奥妮面包店,面包师亚辛·罗宾闻了邮票后说:“闻起来像是焦糖布丁,”一种甜点,但不是法棍本身。首席面包师哈莱姆·格博迪亚洛说他闻到了邮票上的甜味,而店经理珍妮·巴雷则将其比作香草味。Regardless, Gbodialo added that the bakery expects to have many visitors at their shop near the Champs Élysées. “On top of that the Olympic Games are going to start next week, so it’ll boost our influence in terms of clients, and also the weather’s been nicer lately, so all the factors are coming together to have a great period of Olympic Games, a great party for everyone,” he added.尽管如此,格博迪亚洛补充说,面包店预计会有很多游客光顾他们位于香榭丽舍大街附近的店铺。“此外,奥运会将在下周开始,这将提升我们在客户方面的影响力,最近天气也变得更好了,所有因素都在一起,期待奥运会期间有一个美好的时光,为大家带来一个盛大的派对,”他补充道。Eating baguettes is not as popular as it once was, but France still makes around 16 million per day - or nearly 6 billion a year. One story explains that Napoleon Bonaparte's bakers created the long shape to make it easier for his troops to carry.吃法棍已经不像以前那样流行了,但法国每天仍然生产大约1600万个——每年近60亿个。有一个故事解释说,拿破仑·波拿巴的面包师创造了这种长形面包,使他的部队更容易携带。

第2276期:New French Stamps Smell Like Baguettes

第2276期:New French Stamps Smell Like Baguettes
