第2272期:Athletes Have High Hopes for Paris, Cultural Activities


Paris is a popular place for visitors because of its food, art, and history. The city itself is likely to be central to the experience of the Olympic Games. 巴黎因其美食、艺术和历史而成为游客的热门之地。城市本身可能会成为奥运会体验的中心。 The athletes going to France have been making long lists of things they want to try, see and eat. 前往法国的运动员们已经列出了他们想尝试、参观和品尝的长长清单。 “I’m excited to just explore and just take in everything Paris has to offer, because me and my friends, we look at things and we get inspired,” said breaker Jeffrey Louis, also known as b-boy Jeffro. “我很兴奋能探索和体验巴黎所提供的一切,因为我和我的朋友们会从中获得灵感,”街舞选手Jeffrey Louis,也被称为b-boy Jeffro说道。 He added, “There’s a lot of things that we want to try and just explore.” 他补充道,“有很多事情我们想尝试和探索。” Some athletes want to ride to the top of Gustave Eiffel’s creation from the 1880s, the Eiffel Tower, maybe even dine at its restaurant. The Louvre Museum, with Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, the Mona Lisa, the famous Venus de Milo statue, and many other objects are high on many lists of things to see. 一些运动员想要登上1880年代由古斯塔夫·埃菲尔创造的埃菲尔铁塔,甚至在塔上的餐厅用餐。卢浮宫博物馆,拥有列奥纳多·达·芬奇的画作《蒙娜丽莎》、著名的维纳斯雕像和许多其他物品,是许多人参观清单上的重点。 Notre Dame Cathedral also is popular although repair work after a 2019 fire will not be completed until after the Summer Games. 尽管2019年的火灾修复工作要到夏季奥运会之后才能完成,巴黎圣母院也很受欢迎。 “Such a big city. A beautiful city,” diver Andrew Capobianco said. “如此大的城市,一个美丽的城市,”跳水选手Andrew Capobianco说道。 Athletes are also excited to try the food and drinks. 运动员们也很期待品尝美食和饮品。 “Eat as many crepes as you can if you’re in Paris,” track and field Paralympian Noelle Malkamaki said. “如果你在巴黎,就尽可能多地吃可丽饼,”田径残奥选手Noelle Malkamaki说道。 “Looking forward to macaroons, pastries, bread,” sitting volleyball Paralympian Nicky Nieves said. “期待马卡龙、糕点、面包,”坐式排球残奥选手Nicky Nieves说道。 Others are excited about coffee, meats, and sweet desserts such as crème brûlée. And some hope to drink the wines — from the Loire Valley, Bordeaux or Champagne. 其他人则对咖啡、肉类和甜点如焦糖布丁感到兴奋。有些人希望品尝卢瓦尔河谷、波尔多或香槟的葡萄酒。 There are those, such as breaker Sunny Choi or rower Michelle Sechser, who know they will need to wait to enjoy some of the food and drink. 例如街舞选手Sunny Choi或赛艇选手Michelle Sechser,他们知道需要等待才能享用一些美食和饮品。 “We do have weight-class restrictions; we have to weigh in two hours before a race,” Sechser said. “So, after racing’s done, I’m most excited to get out and explore the Parisian food and really enjoy some French meals.” “我们确实有体重级别限制;比赛前两小时要称重,”Sechser说道。“所以,比赛结束后,我最期待的是出去探索巴黎的美食,真正享受一些法国餐。”Canoe and kayak star Evy Leibfarth, the first American woman to qualify in three whitewater boating events at an Olympics, looks at the situation differently. 皮划艇明星Evy Leibfarth,是第一位在奥运会上获得三项激流赛艇项目资格的美国女性,对这种情况有不同的看法。 She makes sure to fill herself with foods that help with athletic performance. But she also does not want to deny herself too much. 她确保自己摄入有助于运动表现的食物。但她也不想对自己太过苛刻。 “If I’m going to be thinking about my croissant the whole time I’m paddling, I may as well just eat it, you know? So, it’s all about balance,” said Leibfarth, a 20-year-old from North Carolina. “It’s just making sure that I’m getting the right amount of protein and the right amount of carbs before a race, while also balancing in the things that I want to eat.” “如果我在划船时一直想着我的羊角面包,我不如直接吃了它,你知道吗?所以,这都是关于平衡,”来自北卡罗来纳州的20岁Leibfarth说道。“只要确保在比赛前摄入适量的蛋白质和碳水化合物,同时平衡我想吃的东西。” As she looked forward to her fifth trip to Paris, Leibfarth offered some words to Olympians headed for the first time to the City of Light — which is another name for Paris. 当她期待第五次前往巴黎时,Leibfarth向首次前往“光之城”——巴黎的奥运选手们提供了一些建议。 “Don’t be afraid to just drop the recommendations and everything and just walk around and find things to do because that’s the best I’ve done.” “不要害怕放下所有的推荐,只是四处走走,寻找事情去做,因为这是我做过的最好的事情。”

第2272期:Athletes Have High Hopes for Paris, Cultural Activities

第2272期:Athletes Have High Hopes for Paris, Cultural Activities
