第2271期:Grow Your Own Tea Plants Year-round(2)


Heat in an oven or toaster oven set to 148 degrees Celsius (300 degrees Fahrenheit) for 10 to 15 minutes or until the leaves are completely dry. Brew immediately or cool and keep them in an airtight container for future use.将烤箱或烤面包机设置为148摄氏度(300华氏度),加热10到15分钟,或者直到叶子完全干燥。立即冲泡,或冷却并储存在密封容器中以备将来使用。For making oolong tea, put the leaves in one layer on a baking tray. Put the tray in a sunny outdoor spot to let the leaves wilt. After 30 to 60 minutes, move the tray into the shade and move the leaves every hour for 8 to 10 hours. Next, place the leaves in a wide pan and cook them over low heat for 15 minutes, moving gently as needed to prevent burning. Let the leaves cool. And roll each leaf individually to keep its oils and flavors. They should be completely dry before storing in an airtight container.制作乌龙茶时,将叶子放在烤盘上一层。将烤盘放在阳光明媚的户外,让叶子枯萎。30到60分钟后,将烤盘移到阴凉处,每小时移动叶子,持续8到10小时。接下来,将叶子放在宽锅中,用小火煮15分钟,根据需要轻轻移动以防止烧焦。让叶子冷却。将每片叶子单独卷起来,以保持其油脂和风味。叶子应完全干燥后再储存在密封容器中。To make black tea, place leaves on a baking sheet in the sun for 10 to 12 hours to remove only 50 to 75 percent of the water. Then, cut the leaves into long pieces and roll into small balls. Place the balls in a warm room between 25 and 26 degrees Celsius (78 to 80 degrees F) that is not too dry of a room until they turn reddish-black. Then, dry them in an oven at 93 degrees Celsius (200 degrees F) for 5 minutes. Lower heat to 60 degrees C (140 degrees F) and continue drying for an additional hour. Cool and store in an airtight container.制作红茶时,将叶子放在烤盘上晒10到12小时,仅去除50%到75%的水分。然后,将叶子切成长条并卷成小球。将小球放在25到26摄氏度(78到80华氏度)的温暖房间里,不要太干燥,直到它们变成红黑色。然后,在93摄氏度(200华氏度)的烤箱中干燥5分钟。降低温度至60摄氏度(140华氏度),继续干燥一个小时。冷却并储存在密封容器中。Native to China, camellia sinensis var. sinensis is cold-hardy. That means it can survive in cold weather. However, it may need some protection to survive cold winters.茶树(学名:山茶科茶属)原产于中国,耐寒。这意味着它可以在寒冷的天气中生存。然而,它在寒冷的冬季可能需要一些保护才能生存。The same is true for another variety of this flower, camelia sinensis var. assamica. Native to India, this kind is more like a tree.另一种茶树品种也是如此,即阿萨姆茶(学名:山茶科茶属)。这种茶树原产于印度,更像一棵树。You will have to research which kinds of camellia sinensis can grow in your area.你需要研究哪些品种的茶树可以在你所在的地区生长。On its website, the International Camellia Society gives you suggestions for how to protect these plants during a cold weather.在其网站上,国际山茶协会提供了在寒冷天气中保护这些植物的建议。Mulching: Apply a thick layer of mulch around the base to protect the roots.覆盖:在植物基部周围覆盖一层厚厚的覆盖物以保护根部。Covering: Use a cloth to cover the plant during extreme cold.覆盖:在极寒天气时用布覆盖植物。Watering: Water the plant well before the first freeze.浇水:在第一次结冰前给植物充分浇水。Location: Plant your camellia in a sheltered spot, such as near a building, to protect it from cold winds.位置:将茶树种植在避风处,如建筑物附近,以保护其免受寒风侵袭。Pruning: Avoid pruning late in the season. New growth may not survive colder weather.修剪:避免在季节晚期修剪。新长出的部分可能无法在更冷的天气中存活。

第2271期:Grow Your Own Tea Plants Year-round(2)

第2271期:Grow Your Own Tea Plants Year-round(2)
