第2265期:NASA Researchers End One-year Mars Habitat Missio(2)


Commander Haston, a biologist, was the first to speak during a ceremony to mark the mission's end. "Hello. It's actually so wonderful just to be able to say hello to you," she said with a laugh.生物学家哈斯顿指挥官在庆祝任务结束的仪式上首先发言。“你好。实际上,能够和你们打招呼真是太好了,”她笑着说。Jones – who works as an emergency room doctor – was overcome with emotion after leaving the habitat. "I really hope I don't cry standing up here in front of all of you," he said.琼斯是一名急诊室医生,在离开栖息地后情绪激动。“我真的希望我站在这里面对你们所有人时不要哭出来,”他说。Brockwell, a structural engineer, said the experience showed him the importance of living sustainably to help mankind on Earth. “I’m grateful for the chance to live the idea that we must utilize resources no faster than they can be replenished, and produce waste no faster than they can be processed back into resources," he said.结构工程师布罗克韦尔表示,这段经历让他意识到可持续生活对地球上人类的重要性。“我很感激有机会践行这一理念:我们必须以不超过资源补充速度的方式利用资源,并以不超过废物处理速度的方式产生废物,”他说。Selariu, a microbiologist, explained that she had been asked by people many times why humans like her would even want to go to Mars. “Because it’s possible,” she said. “Because space can unite and bring out the best in us.” She added, “Because it’s one defining step that Earthlings will take to light the way into the next centuries.”微生物学家塞拉留解释说,她多次被问到像她这样的人为什么想去火星。“因为这是可能的,”她说。“因为太空可以团结我们,并激发出我们最好的一面。”她补充道,“因为这是地球人迈向未来几个世纪的关键一步。”The NASA program is officially called the Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA). The agency says the latest experiment was the first of three it plans to carry out. The target for the next one will be sometime in 2025.NASA的项目正式名称是“船员健康和表现探索模拟”(CHAPEA)。该机构表示,最新的实验是计划进行的三次实验中的第一次。下一次实验的目标时间是2025年。Steve Koerner is the deputy director of Johnson Space Center. He said most of the experiment centered on nutrition and how that affected the crew’s performance. The work was “crucial science as we prepare to send people on to the red planet.”史蒂夫·科纳是约翰逊航天中心的副主任。他说,大部分实验集中在营养及其对团队表现的影响。这项工作是“我们准备将人类送往红色星球时的关键科学”。Koerner added, “They've been separated from their families, placed on a carefully prescribed meal plan and undergone a lot of observation.” He noted that “Mars is our goal,” and called the project an important step in America’s ongoing efforts to be a leader in future world space exploration activities.科纳补充说,“他们与家人分离,接受了精心制定的饮食计划,并经历了大量观察。”他指出,“火星是我们的目标,”并称该项目是美国在未来世界太空探索活动中继续成为领导者的重要一步。Under its Artemis program, NASA plans to send humans back to the moon in order to learn how to live in space for long periods. After that, the goal is to send astronauts to Mars.在其阿耳忒弥斯计划下,NASA计划将人类送回月球,以学习如何在太空中长期生活。之后的目标是将宇航员送往火星。

第2265期:NASA Researchers End One-year Mars Habitat Missio(2)

第2265期:NASA Researchers End One-year Mars Habitat Missio(2)
