第2264期:NASA Researchers End One-year Mars Habitat Mission(1)


Four scientists have left a model Mars environment where they lived in isolation for more than a year.四名科学家离开了一个模拟火星环境,他们在这个环境中隔离生活了超过一年。The crew took part in the experiment for the American space agency NASA. Team members included commander Kelly Haston, medical officer Nathan Jones, flight engineer Ross Brockwell and science officer Anca Selariu. They ended their stay after 378 days on July 6.该团队参加了美国航天局NASA的实验。团队成员包括指挥官凯利·哈斯顿、医疗官内森·琼斯、飞行工程师罗斯·布罗克韦尔和科学官安卡·塞拉留。他们在378天后于7月6日结束了停留。The simulated Mars environment is called a habitat. NASA said the project “was designed to help scientists, engineers, and mission planners better understand how living on another world could affect human health and performance.”模拟火星环境被称为“栖息地”。NASA表示,该项目“旨在帮助科学家、工程师和任务规划者更好地了解在另一个世界上生活如何影响人类健康和表现。”Officials said the habitat also aimed to recreate certain environmental pressures that future astronauts could face while living in places like the moon and Mars.官员们表示,该栖息地还旨在重现未来宇航员在月球和火星等地生活时可能面临的某些环境压力。The experiment took place inside a specially designed area at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. The 160-square-meter environment where the crew members lived was built using 3D printing technology.实验在位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的NASA约翰逊航天中心的一个特别设计的区域内进行。团队成员生活的160平方米环境是使用3D打印技术建造的。The experiment involved the crew completing several research activities. These included taking part in robotic operations, looking after the habitat, doing physical exercise and growing crops. The members also took part in simulated “marswalks.”实验涉及团队完成多项研究活动。这些活动包括参与机器人操作、照顾栖息地、进行体育锻炼和种植农作物。成员们还参与了模拟的“火星漫步”。The crew members are not NASA astronauts. They left their normal jobs to take part in the experiment. After leaving the habitat, the group was to complete a series of “post-mission data collection activities” over two weeks before returning home.团队成员并不是NASA的宇航员。他们离开了正常工作来参加实验。离开栖息地后,团队将在两周内完成一系列“任务后数据收集活动”然后返回家中。While inside the environment, NASA said the crew was subject to “Mars-realistic time delays” during communications with the outside world. This meant there could be delays of up to 44 minutes roundtrip for communication data.在环境内,NASA表示,团队在与外界通信时受到“火星现实时间延迟”的影响。这意味着通信数据的往返可能会延迟长达44分钟。In addition, the members had to deal with a limited food system, similar to what astronauts use on the International Space Station (ISS) or during future space deployments.此外,成员们还必须应对有限的食物系统,这类似于宇航员在国际空间站(ISS)或未来太空部署期间使用的食物系统。

第2264期:NASA Researchers End One-year Mars Habitat Mission(1)

第2264期:NASA Researchers End One-year Mars Habitat Mission(1)
