第2261期:Household chores


Richard: Yes, not very nice.  理查德:是的,不太好。Jackie: Well, some are nicer than others but some are very unpleasant. Um… the laundry, Richard.  杰姬:嗯,有些比其他的好一些,但有些非常不愉快。那个……洗衣服,理查德。Richard: Yes, washing the clothes.  理查德:是的,洗衣服。Jackie: Not too bad.  杰姬:不算太糟。Richard: Very easy, we have a washing machine.  理查德:非常简单,我们有洗衣机。Jackie: So, actually we’re not really doing that, are we?  杰姬:所以,实际上我们并没有真正做那些,是吧?Richard: No [Jackie laughs] put it in the washing machine and then but then, drying.  理查德:没有(杰姬笑了),把衣服放进洗衣机里,然后,烘干。Jackie: Yes, we don’t have a tumble dryer so…  杰姬:是的,我们没有烘干机,所以……Richard: We have to hang the laundry out.  理查德:我们必须把衣服晾出去。Jackie: Yes  杰姬:是的Richard: Um… and then [laughs] ironing.  理查德:嗯……然后是(笑)熨衣服。Jackie: Well, we have an ironing board and we have an iron but in fact, Richard, neither of us do the ironing, do we?  杰姬:我们有熨衣板和熨斗,但实际上,理查德,我们俩都不熨衣服,是吧?Richard: No, now I don’t have an office job I don’t need to iron my shirts.  理查德:不,现在我没有办公室工作了,我不需要熨衬衫了。Jackie: Yes. Er… and another rather boring chore, Richard, is that’s the dusting, isn’t it?  杰姬:是的。还有一个相当无聊的家务,理查德,是掸灰尘,对吧?Richard: Yes, I don’t like the dusting.  理查德:是的,我不喜欢掸灰尘。Jackie: We have a nice feather duster. [both laugh] It’s just a bit boring. I think I do that more than you.  杰姬:我们有一个漂亮的鸡毛掸子。(两人都笑了)只是有点无聊。我觉得我比你做得更多。Richard: Yes, you do the dusting and I do the hoovering.  理查德:是的,你掸灰尘,我吸尘。Jackie: Yes, I don’t know why I don’t like the hoovering. I think it’s because of the noise.  杰姬:是的,我不知道为什么我不喜欢吸尘。我想是因为噪音。Richard: It’s very, very noisy. Yes, I don’t mind that. And the other thing I don’t really mind doing too much is the washing-up. As you do all the cooking I feel I have to do the washing-up.  理查德:非常,非常吵。是的,我不介意。还有一件我不太介意做的事是洗碗。因为你做所有的饭菜,我觉得我必须洗碗。Jackie: Yes, we um… we don’t have a dishwasher, do we?  杰姬:是的,我们没有洗碗机,对吧?Richard: No dishwasher.  理查德:没有洗碗机。Jackie: So you… you do it all by hand.  杰姬:所以你……你全都手洗。Richard: Exactly  理查德:没错。Jackie: But that’s not too bad.  杰姬:但那不算太糟。Richard: No, not at all. I don’t find it too bad, after a good meal.  理查德:不,一点也不。我觉得这不算太糟,在吃了一顿好饭之后。Jackie: [laughs] And then there actually… there are some things we have to do every day, some chores that we have to do every day, but actually are quite nice.  杰姬:(笑)然后其实……我们每天都有一些必须做的事情,一些必须做的家务,但实际上是挺好的。Richard: [laughs] With our animals.  理查德:(笑)和我们的动物。Jackie: Yes, one of those is taking the dog for a walk.  杰姬:是的,其中一件事是遛狗。Richard: I take the dog for a walk, er… well actually the dog takes me for a walk, um… and often I just throw the ball just to make sure she gets lots of exercise.  理查德:我带狗去散步,嗯……实际上是狗带我去散步,嗯……我经常扔球,以确保她得到足够的锻炼。Jackie: But you do that quite a few times during the day.  杰姬:但是你一天中会做几次。Richard: Yes, two or three times a day.  理查德:是的,一天两到三次。Jackie: Mmm, and the thing that I do um… usually, and that’s feeding the chickens.  杰姬:嗯,而我通常做的事情是喂鸡。Richard: [laughs] Yes, I do that occasionally as well. So, those are our daily chores and I think, Jackie, it’s your turn to get out and feed those chickens.  理查德:(笑)是的,我偶尔也会做。所以,那些是我们的日常家务,我想,杰姬,现在轮到你出去喂那些鸡了。

第2261期:Household chores

第2261期:Household chores
