第2260期:Plastic money


Emily: Hello艾米丽:你好Jackie: So Emily, tell me first of all um… how many credit cards do you have?杰姬:那么艾米丽,首先告诉我,你有多少张信用卡?Emily: Well, Jackie, I don’t actually have a credit card um… but I’ve got a debit card.艾米丽:嗯,杰姬,我其实没有信用卡,但我有一张借记卡。Jackie: Ah… ok, so it means that the money comes…杰姬:啊……好的,所以这意味着钱来自……Emily: Um… it just comes straight from my bank, really.艾米丽:嗯……其实就是直接从我的银行账户里出来的。Jackie: Ok. What do you usually use your debit card for?杰姬:好的。你通常用你的借记卡做什么?Emily: Um… I use it mostly um… just to get money out of a cash machine.艾米丽:嗯……我主要用它从自动取款机取钱。Jackie: From the bank.杰姬:从银行。Emily: From the bank exactly, exactly.艾米丽:从银行,没错,没错。 Um… it depends where I am though, sometimes I can use my debit card when I go shopping in the supermarket.嗯……不过,这取决于我在哪里,有时候我可以在超市购物时使用我的借记卡。Jackie: And in other shops as well?杰姬:在其他商店也可以吗?Emily: Yes. Um… some small shops don’t take debit cards. Um… but, nowadays, many do.艾米丽:是的。有些小店不接受借记卡,但现在,很多店都接受了。Jackie: Do you use it, Emily, do you use your debit card for buying things online?杰姬:你用它吗,艾米丽,你用借记卡在网上购物吗?Emily: Yes, sometimes. Um… I usually buy flights online: it’s much easier, I find, and much quicker…艾米丽:是的,有时会。我通常在网上购买机票:我觉得这样更容易,也更快……Jackie: …than going to travel agents.杰姬:……比去旅行社更方便。Emily: Exactly, exactly. Um… sometimes, I find books, some books online as well.艾米丽:没错,没错。有时候,我也会在网上买书。Jackie: Do you use Amazon?杰姬:你用亚马逊吗?Emily: Yes, I do.艾米丽:是的,我用。Jackie: Mmm. Do you buy clothes online?杰姬:嗯。你在网上买衣服吗?Emily: No, I don’t, I don’t.艾米丽:不,我不买,我不买。Jackie: But… but, ok, so you use your debit card online…杰姬:但是……但是,好吧,所以你在网上使用借记卡……Emily: Mmm艾米丽:嗯Jackie: …do you worry about that? Do you worry about the security?杰姬:……你担心吗?你担心安全吗?Emily: Um… yes, sometimes I do. Um… luckily, nothing has happened so far, but when I was a student, I had a problem er… with someone copying my debit card and they spent a lot of my money on first class train tickets around the UK.艾米丽:嗯……是的,有时我会担心。幸运的是,到目前为止还没有发生什么,但当我还是学生时,我遇到过一个问题……有人复制了我的借记卡,他们在英国各地用我的钱购买了一等火车票。Jackie: Oh, no.杰姬:哦,不。Emily: I know, it was awful.艾米丽:我知道,那真是太糟糕了。Jackie: Did you lose the money?杰姬:你损失了那些钱吗?Emily: I lost it for a bit. Um… but then the bank paid it back to me, thank goodness, but I felt very stressed at the time.艾米丽:我暂时失去了那些钱。不过后来银行把钱还给了我,谢天谢地,但当时我感到非常有压力。Jackie: Mmm… I can imagine. So, when was the last time you used your card?杰姬:嗯……我能想象。那么,你上次使用借记卡是什么时候?Emily: Actually, about two hours ago, in fact.艾米丽:其实,就在大约两个小时前。Jackie: Oh, really?杰姬:哦,真的吗?Emily: Yeah艾米丽:是的Jackie: What… what did you buy?杰姬:你……你买了什么?Emily: Um… I… I just took money out of my, out of the bank machine….艾米丽:嗯……我……我只是从银行自动取款机里取了钱……Jackie: Oh ok.杰姬:哦,好吧。Emily: …really.艾米丽:……真的。Jackie: Ok. Do you think, do you think Emily, that you buy more things because you have your debit card or not?杰姬:好的。你认为,艾米丽,你因为有借记卡而买更多东西吗?Emily: Um… it’s an interesting question Jackie. Um… I think everything is much easier with the debit card because you can… you always have money on you in the sense that you’ve always got plastic money on you.艾米丽:嗯……这是个有趣的问题,杰姬。我认为有了借记卡,所有事情都更容易了,因为你可以……你身上总是有钱,意思是你总是有电子支付货币在身上。Jackie: Have… have you, have you sometimes been in a shop or seen something online and you bought it because it’s… it’s been easier to use your card?杰姬:你有没有,有时在商店里或者在网上看到某些东西然后买了,因为……用卡更方便?Emily: Um…. yes, but I… I always… I think some people don’t see a card as money…艾米丽:嗯……是的,但我……我总是……我认为有些人不把卡看作是钱……Jackie: Mmm杰姬:嗯Emily: …and I think, I’ve always seen it as being real money. I think, may be that’s a good thing or else I would’ve spent all my money a long time ago. So, um… it is easier, but I still always know when I’m spending money.艾米丽:……而且我认为,我一直把它看作是真钱。我认为,也许这是件好事,否则我早就把所有的钱花光了。所以,嗯……这更容易,但我还是一直知道自己在花钱。Jackie: So, you’re a… you’re a careful user of a debit card.杰姬:所以,你是……你是个谨慎使用借记卡的人。Emily: Yes, yes. I think I am.艾米丽:是的,是的。我认为我是。Jackie: Very sensible, Emily. 杰姬:非常明智,艾米丽。

第2260期:Plastic money

第2260期:Plastic money
