第2253期:£8m prize won for breakthrough test tackling superbug rise


Such superbugs now kill more than a million people around the world each year.目前这种超级细菌每年导致全球一百多万人死亡。The test works in urinary tract infections. Put a sample in the machine and within 15 minutes, it says whether the infection is caused by bacteria. And within 45 minutes, it tells doctors the best treatment to use.该测试适用于泌尿道感染。把样本放入仪器中,15 分钟内即可判断感染是否由细菌引起。45 分钟之内,仪器会告诉医生最佳的治疗方法。It would stop antibiotics being wasted on viral infections which don't respond to such treatment, but still contribute to the rise of superbugs.它可以防止抗生素被浪费在治疗病毒感染上,因为病毒感染对抗生素治疗没有反应,但仍会导致超级细菌的增加。The original research was done at Sweden's Uppsala University and the test is now being manufactured by the company Sysmex Astrego. The winner was decided by a panel of 17 experts who scrutinised more than 250 entries. 这个科研项目最初是在瑞典的乌普萨拉大学进行的,测试仪器目前由 Sysmex Astrego 公司制造。获奖者是由 17 名专家组成的评审小组在仔细审查了 250 多个参赛作品后选出的。词汇表superbugs 超级细菌urinary tract infections 泌尿道感染sample 样本bacteria 细菌antibiotics 抗生素viral infections 病毒感染scrutinised 仔细审查

第2253期:£8m prize won for breakthrough test tackling superbug rise

第2253期:£8m prize won for breakthrough test tackling superbug rise
