第2248期:US Cities Build Small Communities for the Homeless(2)


The city of Denver built a total of 160 small structures. Denver’s mayor Mike Johnston told the Associated Press (AP) that it took about six months to complete them. Each unit costs $25,000, he said. One thousand converted hotel units cost about $100,000 each.丹佛市共建了160个小型结构。丹佛市市长迈克·约翰斯顿告诉美联社,这些建筑大约花了六个月时间完成。他说,每个单元花费25000美元。一千个改造后的酒店单元每个花费约100000美元。The Melody project in Atlanta took four months to build. Each unit costs about $125,000. Support workers and security operations cost about $900,000 a year.亚特兰大的梅洛迪项目用了四个月建成。每个单元花费约125000美元。支持人员和安保运营每年花费约90万美元。Andre Dickens is Atlanta’s mayor. He wants to supply 500 units of quickly built housing on city-owned land by December 2025.安德烈·狄更斯是亚特兰大的市长。他希望在2025年12月之前在市政土地上提供500个快速建造的住房单元。Few people in Atlanta expressed worry when The Melody was announced last year. However, as city officials look to expand rapid-housing areas, they know people might not support the idea.去年宣布梅洛迪项目时,亚特兰大很少有人表示担忧。然而,当市官员寻求扩大快速住房区域时,他们知道人们可能不会支持这个想法。In Denver, Johnston said he attended at least 60 meetings with residents in six months as the city tried to find places for the new communities. Local residents expressed worry about issues such as waste and safety.在丹佛,约翰斯顿说,在六个月内他参加了至少60次与居民的会议,因为城市试图为新社区找到合适的地方。当地居民表达了对废物和安全等问题的担忧。“What they are worried about is their current experience of unsheltered homelessness,” Johnston said. He said city officials needed to show residents that micro communities could be successful. With the existing projects, he now says he has some proof to reduce residents’ concerns.“他们担心的是他们目前无庇护的无家可归经历,”约翰斯顿说。他说,市官员需要向居民展示微社区的成功。通过现有的项目,他现在说他有一些证据可以减轻居民的担忧。As for Martinez, he keeps all his belongings ready in case he has to move although he says he feels secure in his small home with his cat, Appa.至于马丁内斯,他把所有的物品都准备好,以防他需要搬家,尽管他说他在和他的猫阿帕一起的小家里感到很安全。He is now preparing for the next steps in his path towards permanent housing. He has a date for a meeting about a new job. The next step for him is to receive a document showing he qualifies for financial support from the city to rent an apartment.他现在正在准备迈向永久住房的下一步。他有一个关于新工作的会议日期。下一步是收到一份文件,表明他有资格获得城市的财政支持来租赁公寓。“I’m always looking down on myself for some reason,” he said. But “I feel like I’ve been doing a pretty good job. Everyone is pretty proud of me,” he added.“因为某些原因,我总是看不起自己,”他说。但“我觉得我做得还不错。大家都为我感到骄傲,”他补充道。

第2248期:US Cities Build Small Communities for the Homeless(2)

第2248期:US Cities Build Small Communities for the Homeless(2)
