第2239期:Candidate Uses AI Version of Self in British Election


When voters go to the polls in Brighton, England on July 4, they will get the chance to elect what some people are calling the first artificial intelligence (AI) lawmaker.当英国布莱顿的选民在7月4日去投票时,他们将有机会选举出被一些人称为首位人工智能(AI)议员的人。Businessman Steve Endacott is running to represent his area as a member of Britain’s Parliament. During his campaign, he has used AI tools to present voters with an electronic version of himself called “AI Steve.” The electronic image is known as an avatar.商人史蒂夫·恩达科特正在竞选代表他的地区成为英国议会的一员。在他的竞选过程中,他使用了AI工具向选民展示了一个名为“AI史蒂夫”的电子版自己。这个电子形象被称为化身。Voters can communicate with AI Steve through a website powered by Neural Voice, an AI company. Endacott is the company’s chairman.选民可以通过由AI公司Neural Voice提供支持的网站与AI史蒂夫进行交流。恩达科特是该公司的主席。Endacott, aged 59, said his idea for the AI avatar came after he became unhappy with the way "standard politics" in his area operate. So he decided to run for office in a different way. The AI system permits people to ask questions and offer ideas to AI Steve. The real Endacott can look at these ideas and show them to experts and, if elected, to other members of Parliament.59岁的恩达科特说,他想要创建AI化身的想法源于他对他所在地区“标准政治”运作方式的不满。因此,他决定以不同的方式竞选公职。AI系统允许人们向AI史蒂夫提问并提出想法。真正的恩达科特可以查看这些想法并将其展示给专家,如果当选,还可以展示给其他议会议员。Some of the issues brought to the attention of AI Steve so far include waste collection, immigration, housing, and LGBTQ rights.到目前为止,提交给AI史蒂夫关注的问题包括垃圾收集、移民、住房和LGBTQ权利。Endacott bases the process on a research method called crowdsourcing. That means collecting ideas from large numbers of people to reach better solutions to problems.恩达科特将这一过程基于一种称为众包的研究方法。众包是指从大量人群中收集想法,以找到更好的问题解决方案。Endacott told Reuters news agency he thinks using AI to gather more ideas from people supports democracy. He thinks this will help politicians know more about what people want and need. He added that he hopes to get more politicians to use AI in the same way.恩达科特告诉路透社,他认为使用AI收集更多人的想法有助于支持民主。他认为这将有助于政治家更好地了解人们的需求和愿望。他补充说,他希望能让更多的政治家以同样的方式使用AI。"We're launching a party, we're going to be recruiting more AI candidates across the country after this election,” Endacott said. “We see this as the…building block for something big and something democratic," he added.“我们正在创立一个政党,在这次选举之后,我们将在全国范围内招募更多的AI候选人,”恩达科特说。“我们认为这是……大事和民主事物的基石,”他补充说。Aid worker Eona Johnston, aged 23, agreed with Endacott after meeting him. "We're using AI in so many (areas), at work, social interactions, why don't we put it in politics? It might change the way we live,” she said.23岁的援助工作者艾奥娜·约翰斯顿在见到恩达科特后同意他的观点。“我们在很多领域都使用AI,在工作中,社交互动中,为什么不把它用于政治呢?这可能会改变我们的生活方式,”她说。However, not all locals think using AI will improve government policies. "AI and politicians have one thing in common," local resident Andy Clawson, aged 42, said. "They can’t be trusted."然而,并非所有当地人都认为使用AI会改善政府政策。42岁的当地居民安迪·克劳森说:“AI和政治家有一个共同点,他们都不可信。”Endacott is a member of the political party Smarter U.K. But he decided to run as an independent candidate. That means his name will not be connected with any political party on the ballot. The Labour Party and the Conservative Party are the two most influential political groups in Britain.恩达科特是政治党派“更聪明的英国”的成员。但他决定以独立候选人的身份参选。这意味着他的名字不会与任何政党联系在选票上。工党和保守党是英国最有影响力的两个政治团体。AI Steve is the name that will appear on the ballot. But Electoral Commission officials have made clear that if AI Steve wins, Endacott would win the seat in parliament, not any AI version of the politician.AI史蒂夫是将出现在选票上的名字。但选举委员会官员已明确表示,如果AI史蒂夫获胜,将由恩达科特赢得议会席位,而不是任何AI版本的政治家。

第2239期:Candidate Uses AI Version of Self in British Election

第2239期:Candidate Uses AI Version of Self in British Election
