第2323期:In Greece, Village Appears when Lake Dries Up


A sunken Greek village has begun to reappear after water levels dropped in the lake that covered it. Extreme hot, dry weather is blamed for the disappearing Lake Mornos. 一座沉没的希腊村庄在湖水水位下降后开始重新出现。莫诺斯湖的消失被归咎于极端炎热、干燥的天气。 The village of Kallio was flooded in 1980 to create the lake. The plan aimed to help supply the ever-increasing water demands of the national capital about 200 kilometers away. Now, long stretches of dried soil mixed with old bricks surround the ruins of the Kallio. 1980 年,卡里奥村被洪水淹没,形成了这个湖。该计划旨在帮助满足约 200 公里外的国家首都不断增长的用水需求。现在,长长的干土与旧砖混在一起,环绕着卡利奥遗址。 "Day by day, the water goes down," said Dimitris Giannopoulos, mayor of central Greece’s Dorida area. Reuters news agency reports Lake Mornos supplies water to nearly half of Greece’s population. “水位一天天下降,”希腊中部多里达地区市长迪米特里斯·贾诺普洛斯 (Dimitris Giannopoulos) 说。路透社报道称,莫诺斯湖为希腊近一半人口供水。 Last winter brought little snow to Greece. This summer brought heatwaves but little rain to the country. Last winter was Greece’s warmest on record. 去年冬天希腊降雪很少。今年夏天,该国出现了热浪,但降雨很少。去年冬天是希腊有记录以来最温暖的冬天。 Greece's dry climate makes it especially susceptible to the effects of a warming planet. The conditions worsened summer wildfires including some that reached outer areas of Athens last month. Scientists say extreme weather is now driving the dropping lake level. 希腊干燥的气候使其特别容易受到地球变暖的影响。这种情况加剧了夏季野火,包括上个月蔓延到雅典外围地区的一些野火。科学家表示,极端天气正在导致湖水位下降。 "It is an alarm bell," said Efthymis Lekkas, a professor of disaster management at the University of Athens. "We don't know what will happen in the coming period. If we have a rainless winter, things will get difficult." “这是一个警钟,”雅典大学灾害管理教授埃夫西米斯·莱卡斯 (Efthymis Lekkas) 说。“我们不知道接下来会发生什么。如果冬天没有下雨,事情就会变得困难。” Giannopoulos noted that the Mount Giona mountain that rises up from the lake used to be snow-covered. But it saw none last winter. Around the lake, some trees have taken on a yellowish color. "They lack water. This has never happened before," Giannopoulos said. 詹诺普洛斯指出,从湖中升起的吉奥纳山曾经被白雪覆盖。但去年冬天它什么也没看到。湖边的一些树木已经呈现出淡黄色。“他们缺水。这以前从未发生过,”詹诺普洛斯说。 Wells in the area are now drying up, he added. And surrounding villages – which do not take water from the lake – suffered water cuts this summer. A local firefighter chief said the risk of wildfires increases as the forests become drier. 他补充说,该地区的水井现已干涸。周围的村庄不从湖中取水,今年夏天遭受了断水。当地消防队长表示,随着森林变得干燥,发生野火的风险也会增加。 Satellite images suggest the lake's surface area shrank from around 16.8 square kilometers in August 2022 to just 12 this year. 卫星图像显示,该湖的表面积从 2022 年 8 月的约 16.8 平方公里缩小到今年的仅 12 平方公里。 In addition, water supplies at three other water bodies dropped to 700 million cubic meters in August. This water supplies Attica, an area of around 4 million people that includes Athens. That was down from 1.2 billion cubic meters in 2022, the country’s environment ministry said. 此外,其他三个水体8月份供水量下降至7亿立方米。这些水供应阿提卡,该地区人口约 400 万,其中包括雅典。中国环境部表示,这一数字低于 2022 年的 12 亿立方米。 The Greek government says the state-run Athens water company had begun supplying those areas with additional sources of water. Former residents of Kallio were surprised to see the village again. But some said they were saddened by its current state. 希腊政府表示,国营雅典自来水公司已开始向这些地区提供额外的水源。卡利奥的前居民对再次看到这个村庄感到惊讶。但一些人表示,他们对目前的状况感到悲伤。 "I used to see it full and say it was a beach. Now all you see is dryness," said 90-year-old Konstantinos Gerodimos. 90 岁的康斯坦丁诺斯·杰罗迪莫斯 (Konstantinos Gerodimos) 说:“以前我看到它满是海滩,但现在你看到的只是干燥。” His 77-year-old wife Maria added: "If it continues like this, the entire village will appear, all the way to the bottom, where the church and our home was." 他77岁的妻子玛丽亚补充道:“如果再这样下去,整个村庄都会出现,一直到最底层,也就是教堂和我们家所在的地方。” 

第2323期:In Greece, Village Appears when Lake Dries Up

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