第2226期:What Is the Hajj?


Once a year, millions of Muslims from all over the world travel to Saudi Arabia, to complete an important religious duty called Hajj. The travelers gather in the city of Mecca, carrying out holy acts over several days.每年一次,数百万来自世界各地的穆斯林前往沙特阿拉伯,完成一个重要的宗教义务,称为朝觐。朝圣者聚集在麦加市,进行数天的神圣仪式。Hajj is one of the five pillars, or bases, of Islamic belief.朝觐是伊斯兰信仰的五大支柱之一。Here is a look at the religious event and its meaning to Muslims: Every Muslim who is financially and physically able is expected to complete at least one Hajj. Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The others are declaration of belief, daily prayers, giving to those in need, and fasting. These acts are required.以下是关于这一宗教活动及其对穆斯林意义的介绍:每个在经济上和身体上有能力的穆斯林都应该至少完成一次朝觐。朝觐是伊斯兰五大支柱之一。其他的支柱是信仰宣言、每日祈祷、施舍穷人和斋戒。这些行为都是必须的。The Hajj takes place once a year during the Islamic lunar month of Dhul-Hijja. It is the 12th and final month of the Islamic year. The Hajj begins on June 14 this year and ends on June 19.朝觐每年在伊斯兰阴历的月末月——祖·哈志月举行。这是伊斯兰年历的第十二个月,也是最后一个月。今年的朝觐从6月14日开始,到6月19日结束。Performing Hajj meets a religious requirement for Muslims. The pilgrims are to seek God’s forgiveness for their wrongdoings. They believe the act brings them closer to God.完成朝觐符合穆斯林的宗教要求。朝圣者会寻求上帝的宽恕,以赦免他们的过错。他们相信这一行为能使他们更接近上帝。Many pilgrims bring with them prayer requests from family and friends that they would like to be said for them.许多朝圣者带着家人和朋友的祈祷请求,希望能为他们祈祷。Some Muslims spend years saving money and making preparations to make the pilgrimage. And other barriers can get in the way.一些穆斯林花费多年时间积攒钱财和做准备来完成朝觐。还有其他障碍可能会阻碍他们。In 2019, almost 2.5 million Muslims traveled to Mecca for Hajj. But the next year saw worldwide pandemic restrictions. Saudi officials restricted the event in 2020 to Muslims who lived in the country. Last year’s Hajj was the first to be held without COVID-19 restrictions since 2020. Close to 1.9 million people took part.2019年,几乎有250万穆斯林前往麦加进行朝觐。但次年因全球疫情限制,沙特官员在2020年限制了只允许居住在该国的穆斯林参加朝觐。去年的朝觐是自2020年以来首次没有COVID-19限制的朝觐。约有190万人参加。Pilgrims declare the will to perform Hajj and they enter a state of “ihram.” Rules of ihram include the wearing of special clothes by men. The aim is to prepare oneself to be humble and a follower of God.朝圣者宣告愿意进行朝觐,并进入一种称为“戒礼”的状态。戒礼的规则包括男性穿着特定的衣服。目的是使自己准备好谦卑并成为上帝的追随者。A spiritual high point of Hajj for many is to stand on the plain of Arafat. Pilgrims pray at the site, praising God and asking for God’s forgiveness.对许多人来说,朝觐的精神高潮是在阿拉法特平原上站立。朝圣者在此地祈祷,赞美上帝并请求上帝的宽恕。Other religious acts include performing “tawaf” or circling the Kaaba structure in Mecca seven times.其他宗教活动包括进行“塔瓦夫”或在麦加围绕卡巴结构七圈。The Kaaba is a structure that represents the house of God. Muslims pray toward the Kaaba wherever they are in the world.卡巴是一种代表上帝之家的结构。穆斯林无论身处世界何处都朝向卡巴祈祷。Pilgrims also follow the path of Hagar, or Hajar. She is the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim, or Abraham to Jews and Christians. Muslims believe she ran between two hills seven times searching for water for her son.朝圣者还遵循哈加尔(Hajar)的道路。她是先知易卜拉欣(Ibrahim)的妻子,对犹太人和基督徒来说,她是亚伯拉罕的妻子。穆斯林相信她曾在两座山之间跑了七次,为她的儿子寻找水源。Among other religious acts, pilgrims throw small stones at structures that represent evil.在其他宗教行为中,朝圣者向代表邪恶的结构投掷小石子。Eid al-Adha, or the “Feast of Sacrifice,” is a holiday that begins on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijja, during Hajj.古尔邦节,也叫“宰牲节”,是在祖·哈志月第10天的朝觐期间开始的节日。It is celebrated by Muslims around the world. It marks Prophet Ibrahim’s demonstration of religious belief by offering his son’s life to honor God. During the holiday, Muslims kill animals like sheep or cattle and give some meat to the poor.全球的穆斯林都庆祝这个节日。它标志着先知易卜拉欣通过献祭儿子来表达宗教信仰。在节日期间,穆斯林屠宰绵羊或牛等动物,并将部分肉分给穷人。

第2226期:What Is the Hajj?

第2226期:What Is the Hajj?
