第2225期:Somaliland’s All-girls Basketball Team Looks for Recognition


Hafsa Omer wears the red, white, and green flag of Somaliland while playing basketball.哈芙萨·奥马在打篮球时穿着索马里兰的红白绿三色旗。The 21-year-old is the captain of the team. Her dream is to one day play for her nation. But there is a problem: Somaliland is not a recognized country.这位21岁的女孩是球队的队长。她的梦想是有一天能为她的国家效力。但有一个问题:索马里兰并不是一个被承认的国家。The breakaway territory in the Horn of Africa has struggled to gain international recognition from any foreign government. The territory has been governing itself and enjoying comparative peace and stability since declaring independence in 1991.位于非洲之角的这个分离地区一直在努力获得任何外国政府的国际承认。自1991年宣布独立以来,这个地区一直在自我治理,并享有相对的和平与稳定。Omer and her two sisters play for Hargeisa Girls Basketball. It is the first all-girls team in the territory. She and her sisters aim to put Somaliland on the map. They plan on doing so by using their more than 10,000 followers on social media.奥马和她的两个姐妹为哈尔格萨女子篮球队效力。这是该地区的第一支全女子球队。她和她的姐妹们的目标是让索马里兰出现在地图上。她们计划通过利用她们在社交媒体上超过一万的粉丝来实现这一目标。She said, “Somaliland is looking for their recognition and we believe that we could be part of bringing the recognition...”她说:“索马里兰正在寻求认可,我们相信我们可以成为带来认可的一部分……”She said they could do that “by wearing the flags, by talking about our country, by promoting it through the short video TikToks or Instagram pictures,” she said. TikTok and Instagram are two popular social media sites.她说,她们可以通过“穿着国旗、谈论我们的国家、通过抖音短视频或Instagram图片来推广它”来做到这一点。抖音和Instagram是两个流行的社交媒体平台。Somaliland’s sovereignty came into question in January. That was when local officials said they would give landlocked neighboring country Ethiopia access to the Red Sea.索马里兰的主权在一月份受到质疑。当地官员当时表示,他们将允许内陆邻国埃塞俄比亚通往红海。The territory said it would do that in return for recognition as an independent country. That caused diplomatic conflict with Somalia’s federal government.该地区表示,他们这样做是为了换取对其作为独立国家的承认。这引起了与索马里联邦政府的外交冲突。Somalia considers Somaliland part of its territory. It rejected the deal permitting Ethiopia to lease 20 kilometers around the port of Berbera. It would have given Ethiopia access to the Red Sea for 50 years for its navy and large shipping boats.索马里认为索马里兰是其领土的一部分。它拒绝了允许埃塞俄比亚租赁贝尔贝拉港周围20公里的协议。该协议本可以让埃塞俄比亚在50年内通过该港口进入红海,用于其海军和大型货船。Somaliland officials say they have a strong case to become Africa’s 55th nation.索马里兰官员表示,他们有充分的理由成为非洲的第55个国家。Once under British control, the territory now has its own police force, coast guard, passports, and money. It also has a government and a working democratic political system.曾经在英国统治下的这个地区现在有自己的警察部队、海岸警卫队、护照和货币。它还有一个政府和一个运作良好的民主政治系统。That record is very different than the situation in Somalia. In Somalia, government forces have been fighting the militant group al Shabaab. The group has links to the terrorist group al Qaeda.这种记录与索马里的情况截然不同。在索马里,政府军一直在与激进组织青年党作战。该组织与恐怖组织基地组织有联系。Omer sees her support of Somaliland’s independence as part of her father and uncles’ armed struggle in the 1980s against the dictator Siad Barre.奥马将她对索马里兰独立的支持视为她父亲和叔叔们在1980年代反对独裁者西亚德·巴雷的武装斗争的一部分。"My dad talks about it every day, what he and his friends had been through, while he watched his cousins dying in front of him," she said.“我爸爸每天都在谈论这件事,他和他的朋友们经历了什么,同时他看着他的堂兄弟们在他面前死去,”她说。While the territory of around 3.5 million people may not gain international recognition soon, Omer has made progress in supporting women’s rights in the conservative territory.尽管这个约350万人口的地区可能不会很快获得国际承认,但奥马在支持这个保守地区的女性权利方面已经取得了进展。Since she founded Hargeisa Girls Basketball in 2018, other female teams have come together for an all-girls league.自从她在2018年创办了哈尔格萨女子篮球队以来,其他女子球队也组成了一个全女子联赛。For her sister Fatima Omer, basketball serves both goals.对她的妹妹法蒂玛·奥马来说,篮球实现了两个目标。She said, “We just want the world to see us.”她说:“我们只想让世界看到我们。”

第2225期:Somaliland’s All-girls Basketball Team Looks for Recognition

第2225期:Somaliland’s All-girls Basketball Team Looks for Recognition
