外刊精读 | 泰勒·斯威夫特支持贺锦丽,马斯克轻浮言论引发争议


【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:The Taylor Swift Way to Defuse a TrollShe doesn’t need her boyfriend’s brawn正文:It was highly anticipated and tautly executed. Taylor Swift signed off with a dig at Donald Trump’s  running mate, J. D. Vance: “With love and hope, Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady.” Swift’s endorsement of  Kamala Harris on Tuesday night was not a surprise; the pop star has for years backed Democratic candidates and used social media to encourage her followers to vote. Also perhaps unsurprising was that Elon Musk, supporter and platformer of Trump, took to X shortly after Swift’s announcement to post a juvenile response. “Fine Taylor … you win,” he wrote. “I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.”知识点:anticipated adj./ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪtɪd/If an event, especially a cultural event, is eagerly anticipated, people expect that it will be very good, exciting, or interesting. 受期盼的• ...the most eagerly anticipated rock event of the year. ...本年度最受热切期盼的摇滚⽐赛。获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。

外刊精读 | 泰勒·斯威夫特支持贺锦丽,马斯克轻浮言论引发争议

外刊精读 | 泰勒·斯威夫特支持贺锦丽,马斯克轻浮言论引发争议
