外刊精讲 | 豪华游艇沉没,5名英国科技富豪全部罹难!


【欢迎订阅】每天早上5:30,准时更新。【阅读原文】标题:Mike Lynch was Britain’s first software billionaireHe was celebrating his freedom when his yacht sank in a freak storm正文:Bayes’s theorem, an 18th-century formula, holds that with the right understanding of probabilities, most outcomes are predictable. But sometimes freak events occur. In the early hours of August 19th, a superyacht owned by the wife of Mike Lynch, a British tech entrepreneur who only months ago was cleared in a vast American fraud case, was struck by a waterspout, a form of tornado, off the north coast of Sicily, and capsized. On August 22nd it was confirmed that Mr Lynch was among five bodies recovered from the sunken yacht; rescue teams continued to search for a missing woman. It was a tragic end to an extraordinary story.知识点:theorem n. /ˈθɪərəm/ a rule or principle, especially in mathematics, that can be proved to be true(尤指数学)定理获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!【节目介绍】《早安英文-每日外刊精读》,带你精读最新外刊,了解国际最热事件:分析语法结构,拆解长难句,最接地气的翻译,还有重点词汇讲解。所有选题均来自于《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》《大西洋月刊》《科学杂志》《国家地理》等国际一线外刊。【适合谁听】1、关注时事热点新闻,想要学习最新最潮流英文表达的英文学习者2、任何想通过地道英文提高听、说、读、写能力的英文学习者3、想快速掌握表达,有出国学习和旅游计划的英语爱好者4、参加各类英语考试的应试者(如大学英语四六级、托福雅思、考研等)【你将获得】1、超过1000篇外刊精读课程,拓展丰富语言表达和文化背景2、逐词、逐句精确讲解,系统掌握英语词汇、听力、阅读和语法3、每期内附学习笔记,包含全文注释、长难句解析、疑难语法点等,帮助扫除阅读障碍。

外刊精讲 | 豪华游艇沉没,5名英国科技富豪全部罹难!

外刊精讲 | 豪华游艇沉没,5名英国科技富豪全部罹难!
