EP.100(雙語播出)台北暑假最強戶外探索課程:以動物視角開啟對『飛鼠』『小白鷺』『鮭魚』『蝙蝠』的立體認識!feat. 源野台灣 Kristel Bastian (同步口譯:Dale Chou)


來賓 Kristel Bastian (Nature Connection Mentor / founder of Rewild Taiwan 源野台灣)  #源野台灣 超精彩粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/rewild.taiwan/ 同步口譯 Dale Chou 這是她上 酷姨聯萌的那一集EP.05 | 不會說話也能跟媽溝通的嫩嬰時代!feat. 智慧辣媽  /////// 酷姨聯萌 節目單元播放清單 1 /////// #雙寶故事極短篇 請點 https://reurl.cc/Lllpda這個系列是酷姨單口敘述與雙寶之間的故事 從他們兩歲上幼幼班開始,酷姨每週接一次下課,享受被飛撲,到現在帶著兩個衝直排輪課、看展覽,他們成為我探索世界的玩伴! /////// 酷姨聯萌 節目單元播放清單 2 /////// #酷言萌語 請點 https://reurl.cc/addkkX這個系列整理了所有萌娃來上節目的集數 很多孩子都是第一次錄音,酷姨希望他們不是來『講很好』『講很多』而是經驗到『podcast錄音』的好玩環節(比如:讓他們自己按音效鍵),聊喜歡的主題,表達真我! 雙寶早期的錄音,先用分支的系列 #雙寶故事自己說 試試,當時的 #動物三部曲 很受歡迎,現在是把所有萌娃集數都整理進 #酷言萌語 紀錄孩子當下的狀態與可愛,再次上節目能觀察出『成長曲線』好感動! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #酷姨聯萌 節目專屬 IG 酷姨IG 萌娃錄音計畫 2024年暑假生活,已全數錄製完畢 下一波主題 2024年聖誕季節,想要報名請IG私訊問酷姨! 教養靠父母,玩樂隨酷姨 節目中深度訪談各家真實育兒故事 從對話中探索聰明養娃解方 企劃主持 Mavis YUE 後製剪輯 Endor Huang  親子互動|表演藝術|企業文化|內容創作|品牌策略 相關議題邀稿、演講歡迎來信 writenowmavis@gmail.com  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 會有這集節目的誕生,完全因為酷姨很想幫孩子們找『前所未有』的暑假課程,於是!找到了這位認真到極致的導師,能帶領人們(4歲到成人都行!)重新與自然連結 我們所知的她的認真:讓她每個週末帶著極其多的遊戲道具、觀察工具、對應所探索動物喜歡的食物當作當次報名孩子的小點心,完全圍繞著主題設計,百分百用心! 邀約的初期有一個小故事(看到Rewild Taiwan的廣告有中文,酷姨自己誤會可以用中文訪問 Kristel 但後來仍然堅持完成這個訪問,特別感謝 Dale 立刻空出時間支援翻譯!) 於是我們完成了這集的訪談,酷姨得到非常多的知識(比如:原來鹿的逃跑路徑是這樣!比如:原來我們有機會模擬蝴蝶的『視覺』)真希望酷姨小時候就有 Kristel 這樣的老師,我一定更加愛大自然! 這集訪談題目有以下,但*的兩題,錄音時機器故障(很遺憾壞軌了約15分鐘)這段用以文字補答案給大家!  This episode of the podcast was born entirely out of Aunt Mavis desire to find an "unprecedented" summer course for children. And so! She found this incredibly dedicated mentor who can lead people (from age 4 to adults!) to reconnect with nature.What we know about her dedication: Every weekend, she brings a vast array of game props, observation tools, and snacks matching the favorite foods of the animals being explored, all meticulously themed and designed. She puts in 100% effort! There’s a little story from the early stages of the invitation (Aunt Mavis saw the Rewild Taiwan advertisement with Chinese and mistakenly thought she could interview Kristel in Chinese. However, she still insisted on completing the interview. Special thanks to Dale for immediately making time to support with translation!)So, we completed this interview, and Aunt Mavis gained a lot of knowledge (like: the escape route of a deer is like this! and: we have the opportunity to simulate a butterfly's "vision"). Aunt Mavis Said: I really wish I had a teacher like Kristel when I was a child; I would have loved nature even more! Here are the topics covered in this interview. Unfortunately, for the questions marked with *, the recording equipment malfunctioned (we lost about 15 minutes of the recording). This part will be supplemented with written answers for everyone! 1.能不能先介紹 Kid’s Nature Club 的企劃源頭、還有課程設計的目標?Can you introduce the origins and goals of the Kids’ Nature Club? 2.能不能幫我們更精準的定義 『戶外教育』是什麼?What is “outdoor education” exactly? 3.妳都準備了哪些活動跟課程給孩子們?What are the main activities or programs included in the club? 4. 為什麼選擇淡水跟芝山,做為主要教學地點?Why did you choose Tamsui and Zhishan as the main teaching locations for the club? 5. 你的課程是用英文來教,目前孩子們都能理解嗎? You primarily conduct lessons in English; how does this affect the children's learning outcomes? What age groups is the club suitable for? 6. 接下來,源野台灣即將帶來的課程、新的計畫還有哪些?Tell us about the up coming events you’re arranging? 我相信大家跟酷姨一樣,會非常喜歡這一集的介紹,我們錯過了七月的 Kids’ Nature Club 還可以加入八月的(各場都還有幾個名額,歡迎7-11歲孩子報名!) 每週六在『淡水』和『芝山』上課,一直到 8 月 24 日,可以透過 IG or FB 詢問 Kristel 就可以了(也有台灣助教能幫忙) 因為很多家長們的期待,未來也計劃在大安公園每月舉辦一到兩次活動 針對年齡較小(4-6歲)的孩子和家長,親子能一起挑戰感官尋寶等,請加入 #源野台灣 的 IG or FB 能獲知最新消息! I believe everyone, like Aunt Mavis , will really enjoy this introduction. If you missed the July Kids' Nature Club, you can still join in August (there are a few spots left for each session, welcoming children aged 7-11!). Classes are held every Saturday in Tamsui and Zhishan until August 24. You can inquire with Kristel via Instagram or Facebook (there's also a Taiwanese teaching assistant who can help). Due to the high demand from many parents, Rewild Taiwan are also planning to hold one to two events every month in Da’an Park in the future. These events will be designed for younger children (aged 4-6) and their parents to participate in sensory treasure hunts and other activities together. Please follow #源野台灣 on Instagram or Facebook for the latest updates! =========== *7.妳在準備課程給台灣孩子的時候?跟之前在美國教學,有經過一些調整嗎?Is this program for Taiwanese kids different from how you would have designed it for kids in the US? There are a lot of differences. For starters, in the US, I think many people want their kids to spend less time in classrooms. They are more interested in experiential learning. For example, I worked for an Expeditionary Learning (EL) charter school that was all about hands-on activities, classes were outdoors as often as possible, and we had hiking and camping trips as part of the regular school. But in Taiwan it’s maybe the opposite, especially in Taipei. There is more of a focus on test preparation and academics to get into specific schools. I understand that, too. It’s just a cultural difference. So what that means for my program is that the kids that parents want to enroll are going to be younger. My original idea about doing outdoor education here, like hiking trips for teenagers, is not going to be very popular. At least not to start.  Another reason is that I find people are a lot less comfortable with nature here in Taipei, which is probably true of people living in most cities around the world. In the US I mostly worked in towns or rural areas. People here aren’t as comfortable outdoors and it would be hard to convince them to send their kids on a multi-day hiking trip. They haven’t had those experiences themselves so they aren’t sure if it’s safe. I have had a few parents reach out here and ask about if we have a class for older kids, so I do think maybe it is something we can introduce in a few years, but right now just being in the park for a couple hours is a bit edgy for some. So, I think at this stage, Kids’ Nature Club is kind of like an American outdoor education program or camp but reformatted specifically for the preferences of Taiwanese parents. Basically helping them to connect to nature in ways that are familiar is some ways but also new and interesting and really fun. Less adventurous, there are books and whiteboards sometimes, but also we aren’t just memorizing facts for a test.. We have discussions and ask them to think critically, but also we are spending time outdoors and doing things like flying paper planes to teach about flying squirrels. So, it’s a step, it’s something new for a lot of them. As far as I know, I think it is pretty unique, but I hope it catches on and other teachers and schools want to do more classes like this. The more kids that there are connecting to and really caring about the environment, the better it is for all of us and for the future. That’s the bigger goal. 有很多不同之處。首先,在美國,我認為許多人希望他們的孩子在室內課堂上花的時間少一些,更加關注戶外的體驗式學習。例如,我曾在一所遠征學習(EL)特許學校工作,那裡的活動都是動手做的,盡可能多地在戶外上課,有遠足和露營旅行,甚至是常規學校的一部分。但在台灣,可能正好相反,特別是在台北。這裡更多地關注考試準備和學術,以進入特定的學校。我也能理解這一點,這只是文化差異。這對我的課程意味著,來報名我的課的孩子年齡會比較小。 我原本在這裡做戶外教育的想法,比如為青少年舉辦遠足旅行,可能不會太受歡迎。至少在一開始是這樣。(這段對話,我跟Dale告訴 Kristel 可以的!我們想把青少年都送到戶外,他們會超愛!) 另一個原因是,我發現台北的居民對大自然的接受程度要低很多,這可能是大多數世界各大城市居民的情況。在美國,我主要在城鎮或農村地區工作。這裡的人不太習慣戶外活動,很難說服他們讓孩子參加多日的遠足旅行。他們自己沒有這些經歷,因此不確定是否安全。我在這裡有一些家長聯繫我,詢問是否有針對大孩子的課程,所以我認為幾年後或許我們可以引入這樣的課程,但目前僅在公園裡待幾小時對一些人來說還是有點冒險。 所以,我認為在這個階段,Kids’ Nature Club有點像美國的戶外教育課程或營地,但特別為台灣家長的偏好重新設計。基本上是幫助他們以一些熟悉的方式,但也新穎、有趣且非常好玩地與大自然連接。少一些冒險,偶爾會有書籍和白板,但我們不僅僅是為了考試而背誦事實。我們會進行討論,鼓勵他們批判性思考,同時也會花時間在戶外,做一些像是放紙飛機來教孩子關於飛行松鼠的事。所以,這是一個步驟,對他們來說是新鮮的。我所知,這應該是相當獨特的,但我希望它能流行起來,其他老師和學校也願意開設更多這樣的課程。越多孩子與自然連接並真正關心環境,對我們所有人和未來都是更好的。這是更大的目標。 *8. 教學互動中有沒有特別感到印象深刻的故事?Do you have any particularly successful or memorable activities or stories to share? * A couple times one of the kids was really excited to discover that something they heard about or saw in a video game was real. Now, I guess on one level it makes me a bit sad that they know more about video games than the real world, but it felt good to be able to help them make that connection. Like one day we learned to use compasses and a boy thought that was just something in Minecraft! Another time we were playing with magnifying glasses and a boy wanted to know if they really can make a fire, maybe another thing he saw in a video game or a movie. Sure enough, the sun was bright enough to make a leaf start to smoke! He was really impressed. We talked about how it’s important to be careful doing that though, so I was glad to be there and guide him. Also there are moments when I’ve gotten to watch them expand their comfort zone, like when my pet snake came to class, a couple kids said snakes are disgusting or they announced they wouldn’t touch a snake. Guess what? They were holding her by the end of the class. My favorite moments are always things like that …when you really see the light bulb come on or their idea about something broadens. 幾次有孩子特別興奮地發現他們在遊戲或視頻中看到的東西『真實存在』。某種程度上,他們對『視頻遊戲的世界』了解比對『現實世界』更多,有點讓人傷心,但能幫助他們建立這種聯繫感覺非常好。比如有一天我們學習使用指南針,一個男孩以為這只是 Minecraft 裡的東西!另一次,我們玩放大鏡時,有個男孩想知道它們真的能點火嗎,也許這是他在遊戲或電影中看到的。果然,太陽夠亮時能讓樹葉開始冒煙!他非常驚訝。我們談論了做這些事情時要小心,所以我很高興能在那裡引導他們。還有一些時刻,我看到他們擴展自己的舒適區,比如當我的寵物蛇來上課時,有幾個孩子說蛇很噁心,或者說他們不會碰蛇。猜猜怎麼樣?到課堂結束時,他們都在抱著她。我的最愛時刻總是這樣的……當你真正看到孩子們的靈感閃現或對某件事的看法改變、擴張的時候。 =========== 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckxmzd48mfp5p08107pymjdl8 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckxmzd48mfp5p08107pymjdl8/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP.100(雙語播出)台北暑假最強戶外探索課程:以動物視角開啟對『飛鼠』『小白鷺』『鮭魚』『蝙蝠』的立體認識!feat. 源野台灣 Kristel Bastian (同步口譯:Dale Chou)

EP.100(雙語播出)台北暑假最強戶外探索課程:以動物視角開啟對『飛鼠』『小白鷺』『鮭魚』『蝙蝠』的立體認識!feat. 源野台灣 Kristel Bastian (同步口譯:Dale Chou)
