【口语版】“有钱;穷”别只会说"rich; poor"


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily学了这么多年英语依然无法脱口而出?参与每周一到周五英语直播分享告别哑巴英语 直击口语 立马开口!!学完立马开口!!A: He was once a poor man, but now he is a man of means. 他曾经很穷,现在发达了。B: How did he make a fortune? 他怎么发财的?A: He didn't make any effort. His aunt died and left him a fortune.他没怎么努力。他姑姑去世了,给他留下了一大笔财产。a man of means有钱人;富有的人My uncle is a man of means, he just bought a yacht last week.我叔叔很有钱,上周刚买了一艘游艇。Her father is a man of means, so she never had to worry about expenses.她的父亲很有钱,所以她从来不用为开销担心。She married a man of means and now lives in a mansion.她嫁给了一个有钱人,现在住在一座豪宅里。make a fortune发财;赚大钱He made a big fortune by investing in real estate.他通过投资房地产发了大财。He made a small fortune in the stock market.他在股市里小赚了一笔。He made a fortune but still lives a simple life.他发了财,但是仍然过着简单的生活。描述一个人很穷,可以使用以下几种表达方式:“He is poor.”(他很穷。)“She doesn’t have much money.”(她没有太多钱。)“They are broke.”(他们破产了/身无分文。)“He is living paycheck to paycheck.”(他活在手头紧绷的生活中,即月光族。)“She is struggling financially.”(她经济上正挣扎。)而描述一个人很有钱,可以用以下几种表达:“He is rich.”(他很有钱。)“She has a lot of money.”(她有很多钱。)“They are wealthy.”(他们很富裕。)“He is well-off.”(他境况良好。)“She is rolling in money.”(她财源滚滚。)

【口语版】“有钱;穷”别只会说"rich; poor"

