

文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示3.budgeted 预算4.Easter 复活节6.Thanksgiving 感恩节8.observe 9.drawing11.congratulated12.priest 牧师16.toast 敬酒24.journey 旅行25.mood26.pleasant27.party 党派29.accept,sincere 真诚30.nodded 点头31.attend33.may 可以40.expressed 表达46.deserve 应得47.venture 企业51.Mass 弥撒,church 教堂56.rejoice 庆祝提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1I'll be home for Spring Festival.我会回家过春节。2I'm getting a bike for Christmas.圣诞节我会得到一辆自行车。3She budgeted for a holiday.她为了去度假而节省开支。4They are coming lo visit over Easter.他们复活节期间会来拜访。5Christmas Day was a Wednesday this year.今年的圣诞节在星期三。6What kind of a holiday is Thanksgiving?感恩节是一个什么样的节日?7Christmas is quite near now.圣诞节将近。8How many holidays do we observe a year?我们一年过多少个节假日?9The Mid Autumn Festival is drawing near.中秋节快到了。10Business is quiet during the holidays.节假日期间生意很清淡。11His proud parents congratulated him.他的父母感到光彩向他表示祝贺。12The priest blessed the old woman.牧师为这位老太太祝福。13Have a good trip!祝旅途愉快!14Congratulations on your success!祝贺你获得了成功!15May I offer my congratulations?我可以表示祝贺吗?16We drank a toast to absent friands.我们为没能来的朋友举杯祝福。17With best wishes, Louise Foster.把最诚挚的祝福送给你,路易斯·福斯特。18Cheers! Your good health.干杯!祝你健康。19I wish you a very happy future.我祝你有非常幸福的未来。20Merry Christmas one and all!祝大家圣诞节快乐!21Bless you,my sister!祝福你,我的妹妹!22Best wishes for a speedy recovery.祝你早日康复。23I wish you a merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐。24We all wished him a safe journey.我们都祝他一路平安。25I was in a mood to celebrate.我很想庆祝一番。26Wish you a pleasant trip.祝你旅途愉快。27Party officials toasted his health.政党官员为他的健康举杯祝酒。28He telephoned a happy birthday to her.他打电话祝贺她生日快乐。29Please accept my sincere wishes.请接收我的真诚祝愿。30They all nodded a final good-night.他们最后都点头互助晚安。31May good luck attend you!祝你幸福。32Merry Christmas,everyone.祝大家圣诞快乐。33May you be happy.祝你快乐。34He wished me well.他祝我一切顺利。35We wish you every success in the future.我们祝愿你将来事事成功。36A merry Christmas to all our reader.祝我所有的读者圣诞快乐。37For her birthday I bought her a bicycle.为祝贺她的生日,我为她买了一辆自行车。38Give my best wishes to your parents.请转达我对你父母最美好的祝愿。39Have a safe journey.祝一路平安!40They expressed their best wishes to her.他们向她的表达了他们的良好祝愿。41We celebrated New Year's Day.我们庆祝元旦。42I wish you both a good trip.我祝你们俩旅途愉快。43I wish you both a very good journey.我祝你们两人旅途愉快。44I'm praying for mother to get better.我在祷祝母亲身体康复。45Here's to your new job!祝你的新工作一切顺利!46They deserved congratulation.他们应该得到祝贺。47I wished him well with his new venture.我祝他的新企业成功。48May good luck be yours!祝你好运!49They sent a get well card.他们寄了一张祝愿早日康复的慰问卡。50They sent her flowers for her birthday.他们送花为她庆祝生日。51The priest celebrates Mass in church.神父在教堂里庆祝弥撒。52Have a good time!祝你玩得高兴!53So your interview's tomorrow?Good luck!这么说明天你要去面试?祝你好运!54Bless you,my boy!祝福你我的孩子!55May all your wishes come true.祝你所有的心愿都成真。56Let us rejoice together on your success.让我们共同庆祝你的成功。57May you have better luck next time!祝你下次走运!58Here's to Eddie!祝埃迪成功!59We all toasted his health.我们大家为他的健康举杯祝酒。60Let's celebrate!让我们好好庆祝一下吧!


