英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_69 Vacation


在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.sunburned 晒伤2.pinball 弹球3.towel 毛巾4.shore 岸5.seashells 贝壳6.crab 螃蟹7.sandcastles 沙堡8.volleyball 排球9.marshmallows 棉花糖原文VacationMy family and I went on vacation to Lake Huron.The water is beautiful and blue there,and the sand is nice and white.The week that we were there was very hot.The sun was hot,but the water was still very cold.I went swimming and tried to catch little fish in my hands.I was careful not to get sunburned.We stayed at a hotel,that had a pool and a game room.I played pinball and video games sometimes.I liked to swim in the hotel pool,but I like the beach better.I would lie on a big beach towel and get warm;then I would jump in the water and cool off.Sometimes I would just lie on the sand and watch the waves roll up on the shore.I found some seashells and I saw a crab walking on the sand.At first,I was a bit lonely,because I didn't know anyone there.It wasn't long before I met some other kids my age.We built sandcastles together and swam in the lake.The other kids were from different towns,so we told each other stories about our schools and friends.We found that we have a lot in common,even though we were from different places.Our families got together and went to restaurants together.We played volleyball on the beach,and we sat around a campfire at night and sang songs.At campfire we would roast our marshmallows on a stick.I always burned my marshmallows.That is okay.I like them that way.Mostly we just swam in the lake until we were very tired.I was sorry when my vocation was over.I had a good time in Lake Huron.I met some very good friends there.We still write each other.Maybe we'll see each other next summer.

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_69 Vacation

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_69 Vacation
