英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_60 Money


在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.pennies 便士2.jar 罐子3.cent 一分钱4.nickel 五分镍币5.dime 十分钱6.quarter 二十五分钱7.loonies 加拿大元8.tonnies 二元加币9.bills 钞票10.recognize 认出原文MoneyI keep my money in the bank.I have saved up my money.I save all my pennies in a jar.A penny is only worth one cent.I have nickels.A nickel is worth five cents.A dime is worth ten cents.A quarter is twenty-five cents.A quarter is a quarter of a dollar.Four quarters make up a dollar.A dollar is worth one hundred cents.I saved up all of my dollars.Our dollars used to be paper ,but now they are coins.We call our dollars loonies.It is a funny name.We also have two dollar coins.We call those toonies.We have five dollar bills and ten dollar bills.If you are lucky,you will have twenty dollar bills,fifty dollar bills and even hundred dollar bills.Our bills in Canada are different colors.That makes them easy to recognize if you go somewhere to spend them.It is wise to save your money.If you save money,you could have hundreds or thousands of dollars.

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_60 Money

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_60 Money
