英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_52 Grocery Shopping


在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.grocery 杂货店2.aisles 过道3.department 部门4.bakery 面包房5.tarts 馅饼6.buns 圆面包7.bagels 面包圈8.biscuit 饼干9.canned 罐装的10.section 部门11.dairy 奶制的12.poultry 禽类13.ham 火腿14.baloney 熏肠15.butcher 屠夫16.spray 喷洒17.hygiene 卫生18.toothpaste 牙膏原文Grocery ShoppingWhat do you see when you go to the grocery store?The aisles are filled with food.There are also refrigerators and freezers filled with food.There are sometimes things in bins in the middle of the aisles.There are different departments in the grocery store.There is a bakery.In the bakery,there are sweet things such as cakes,pies,cookies and tarts.There are also things that you would eat with your dinner like bread and buns.There are other things in the bakery department like bagels and biscuits.The baker works in the bakery.There is the canned goods section.There is where you might find sauces and soups.Vegetables and fruits also come in cans.There is the section for dairy products.Here you would find milk and cream.The dairy section would also have cheese and butter.Yogurt is also found in the dairy section.In the meat department,there is beef and pork.Poultry is also found in the meat department.Poultry is chicken,duck and goose.There are also cold cuts in the meat department.Cold cuts are the meat that are sliced up for sandwiches.Some examples of cold cuts are ham and baloney.The butcher works in the meat department.The produce department is full of fruits and vegetables.Clerks spray water on the fruits and vegetables to keep them fresh.There is a section in the grocery store for personal hygiene.There is where you would find shampoo and toothpaste.Soap and skin products would also be in this section.There is even a section for your pets.You can buy cat food and dog food.There are toys for cats and dogs.

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_52 Grocery Shopping

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_52 Grocery Shopping
