英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 11 Summer Vacation


在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频词汇提示1.cottage 小屋2.board game 棋类游戏3.cabin 小木屋4.Cape Cod 科德角原文Summer VacationToday is the last day of school.It's summer vacation.Grace is very excited.The summer will be fun.Grace is going to visit her grandparents.They have a cottage.The cottage is on Lake Eric.It is a lot fun.Grace is going to swim.She is going to play board games.She is going to talk with her grandparents.Grace is going to have fun.Grace is going to a summer camp.She will sleep in a cabin.She will make lots of new friends.Grace will learn campfire songs.Camp will be fun.Grace is going to cape Cod with her parents.We are going for two weeks.We are going to drive.Grace will see the ocean.Cape Cod will be beautiful.Summer vacation is fun.

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 11 Summer Vacation

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day 11 Summer Vacation
