【口语版 】Work Progress工作进度


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期直播分享干货多多~欢迎收看~Steven has been in office for a few days now. The director Daniel is asking how things are at Steven's work.史蒂文工作有一段时间了,现在负责人丹尼尔正在询问史蒂文工作的进展情况。A: Hi, Steven, take a seat. How are things at work? 嗨,史蒂文,请坐。工作进行的怎么样了?B: It's coming along well, but it is a little delayed. 进展不错,但时间上有点拖延。A: Can you finish it on time? 能按时完成吗?B: I'm pressed for time and I'm afraid I need someone to help me.我时间紧迫,恐怕需要有人帮忙完成。A: Okay. I will send Beker to help you. We need to get the brochures done and sent them to our clients on Friday without delay. 好,我派贝克去协助你。星期五一定要把小册子印好,并送到客户手上,不得拖延。B: Okay, we promise to do it well.好的,我们保证做好。讲义:Work progress工作进展progress进度;进展;进程Can you give me an update on the project's progress?你能给我关于项目进度的更新吗?I'd like to check on the progress of the report you're working on.我想了解一下你正在写的报告的进展。be in office某人目前担任某个职位或角色He has been in office as a president of the company for five years.他担任这家公司总裁已经五年了。How long has he been in office?他在职多久了?in the office在办公室He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.他已经回到办公室,正在电脑上更新工作日程。I spend most of my day in the office.我大部分时间都在办公室。He's not in the office right now.他现在不在办公室。come along取得进展Your French has come along a lot recently.你的法语最近进步很大。How is your project coming along?你的项目进展如何?The project is coming along quite well.项目进展的非常好。一起来;陪伴某人前往某地或参加某事We're going to the movies tonight. Do you want to come along?我们今晚要去看电影,你想一起吗?Come along, let's go for a walk together.一起来,我们一起去散步。delay(使)延迟;(使)延误;(使)延期Could we delay the meeting a few days?我们能把会议推迟几天吗?Heavy snow delayed the start of the game.大雪迫使比赛延期开始。We'll have to delay our departure because of the bad weather condition.由于糟糕的天气状况,我们不得不延期启程。n. 延期;延误;延迟The situation does not permit any delay.形势不容任何的拖延。After a delay of two hours, the plane took off.延迟两个小时,飞机起飞了。without delay不容拖延;立刻;马上Let's get the work done without delay.咱们要完成工作,不得拖延。be pressed for紧缺的I'm pressed for time. Could you speed up a bit?我赶时间,你能再快点吗?I‘m really pressed for cash at the moment. Will you be kind to lend me some?我眼下缺钱。你能不能省省好借点给我?brochure手册;小册子/broʊˈʃʊr/Could you give me a brochure describing your company?你能不能给我一份你们公司的宣传手册?

【口语版 】Work Progress工作进度

【口语版 】Work Progress工作进度
