

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:课程获取10节精品视频课程A: John beat me black and blue yesterday. 约翰昨天把我打的鼻青脸肿。B: Why? 为什么?A: Because I told the teacher about his cheating in the exam. 因为我告诉老师,他考试作弊了。B: He goes too far. 他太过分了。A: I'm determined to pay him back in his own coin.我想以牙还牙。B: You can never do that.你千万别那么样。pay sb back in one's own coin以其人之道还治其人之身;以牙还牙My boyfriend always arrives late. Last night I decided to pay him back in his own coin by keeping him waiting for half an hour.因为我男友约会总是迟到,所以我昨晚决定以牙还牙,让他等了我半个小时。The neighbor always plays loud music at night, so I paid him back in his own coin by having a small party during his nap time. 邻居晚上总是放很大声的音乐,所以我以他的方式回敬,在他午休时举办了一个小型派对My brother took my snack, so I paid him back in his own coin by hiding his video game console. 我哥哥吃了我的零食,所以我以他的方式回敬,藏起了他的游戏机。black and blue遍体鳞伤;青一块紫一块He fell off his bike and was black and blue all over. 他骑自行车摔倒了,全身都是青一块紫一块的。 My brother got into a fight and came home black and blue. 我哥哥打架后回家,全身都是青一块紫一块的。 After the car accident, her legs were black and blue. 车祸之后,她的腿上都是青一块紫一块的。 go too far做的过分;走极端He joked about her weight, but he went too far and hurt her feelings. 他拿她的体重开玩笑,但他说得太过分了,伤害了她的感情。 He exercised every day, but he went too far and injured his knee. 他每天都锻炼,但做得太过分,结果伤了膝盖。 She tried to save money, but she went too far and now she never goes out. 她试图省钱,但做得太过分,现在她从不外出。 


【口语版】Good Neighbours好邻居
