【口语版】Do Yoga做瑜伽


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多~值得关注~Steven meets Lucy in the gym. She's a yoga trainer, so he consults her about yoga. 史蒂文在健身房遇见了露西。露西是一个瑜伽教练,所以他咨询了一些关于瑜伽的问题。A: Yoga is rather popular nowadays.现在瑜伽很流行。B: Yeah, especially among young people. 是的,尤其是在年轻人当中。A: But is it for women only? 但是不是只有女的才可以练呢?B: No. Men can also do it. As a matter of fact, yoga is simply a special gymnastic exercise. But you have to pay attention to its particular way of breathing while practicing it. 不是的,男的也可以练。实际上瑜伽是一种特殊的体操运动。但是在做瑜伽时,你必须注意其特别的呼吸方式。A: Oh, I see. Is it tiresome? 我明白了,练瑜伽累吗?B: Well, in the beginner's class, it's not tiresome at all. But in the advanced class, it's rather demanding. 在初级班,你一点也不会感觉到累。但在高级班,对体力的要求确实有点高。A: That sounds like aerobics. I used to do that.这听上去倒像是在做有氧运动,我以前常做。B: In that case, it's easier for you to learn yoga for it has something in common with aerobics.那样的话,你学瑜伽会更容易一些。因为它和有氧运动在有些方面是相通的。consult咨询;请教;查阅consult sb 咨询某人He consulted a doctor because he felt unwell.他咨询了医生,因为他感到不舒服。She consulted a fitness trainer to start her exercise routine.她咨询了她的健身教练,开始了她的锻炼。rather相当地;在某种程度上He is rather busy today.他今天非常忙。I felt rather tired after the long journey.长途旅行后,我感到非常疲惫。The movie was rather interesting.这部电影相当有趣。As a matter of fact实际上As a matter of fact, I don't like coffee at all.其实,我一点都不喜欢喝咖啡。As a matter of fact, he is not a teacher, but a doctor.其实,他不是老师,他是一名医生。As a matter of fact, I'm a vegetarian.实际上,我是一名素食主义者。gymnastic体操的gymnastic exercise体操运动gymanstics体操 n.demanding要求高的;需要高技能的;费力的Her job is very demanding.她的工作要求很高。The new project is quite demanding.这个项目要求很高。苛求的;难以满足的a demanding boss苛刻的老板The boss's expectations are quite demanding.老板的期望相当高。aerobics有氧运动 n.I do aerobics three times a week.我每周做三次有氧。I hate doing aerobics.我讨厌做有氧。have something in common with和...有共同点I found out that I have something in common with my new colleague.我发现我和我的新同事有一些共同点。I'm so glad that we have something in common with each other.我很高兴我们相互有共同之处。

【口语版】Do Yoga做瑜伽

【口语版】Do Yoga做瑜伽
