

关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周一到周五早上的英语直播分享告别哑巴英语 告别不会说的尴尬免费学习 不能错过!A: I haven't got enough evidence for prosecuting him.我没有足够的证据起诉他。B: Why don't you find someone who is in the know?你为什么不找个熟悉内幕的人呢?A: I'm just thinking about that. But the trouble is, I do not know who is well in the know. 我正在想这个呢。但问题是,我不知道谁了解内幕。B: Did you ask his former secretary Lora? She knows a lot about him. 你问过他以前的秘书,劳拉吗?A: Thanks for reminding me. She's the right person to help me.谢谢你提醒我。她是能帮助我的人。Prosecute通常是政府提起的刑事诉讼;The police decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong.警方决定不起诉,因为证据不够。sue是个人或实体提起的民事诉讼;The neighbor sued the construction company for noise pollution.邻居起诉建筑公司噪音污染。accuse则是“指控或指责”,通常是口头上的,不一定涉及法律程序。The government was accused of incompetence.政府被指责无能。in the know知情;了解内幕If you want the latest gossip about the celebrity, talk to Jennifer, she's always in the know.如果你想知道最新的名人八卦,找詹妮弗谈,她总是知道内情。Somebody in the know told me he's going to resign.有知情者告诉我他要辞职。I heard this from somebody who is in the know.我是从某个知情人那里听到这件事的。I guess it's the kind of thing that only people in the know know.我猜这是只有知道内幕的人才知道的事情。


